Chapter 5 Hogwarts Express and the Sorting

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The next morning Alina, Dylan, Samantha and Maxine were up bright and early already packed. Professor Dumbledore told them the night before that they would be on their own today, because he had to get back to Hogwarts. So they had to find a way to get to Kings Cross Station.

"Why don't we aparate there? Dylan asks

"Because we can't get past the barrier aparating, and we can't just aparate into the station we might hit someone."

"Screw it, I'll teleport us behind the barrier." Alina tells them

"You can do that?" Samantha asks

"Yeah, remember magic has no affect on me." Samantha smacks her forehead.

"Duh, I forgot, well then lead on fearless leader."

"Okay hold hands, grab a hold of your pets, let's go." With that they vanished and reappeared on platform 9 3/4 before anyone else.

"Hey, it looks like the Ilvermorny train except red."

"Sweet, let's find a compartment." Dylan tells the girls. He let's Maximus out of his cage to go do his hunting and they all get on the train.

"Let's get the last compartment," Maxine suggests and they all head toward the back of the train.

After a while the students and parents began to arrive onto the platform and the train began to fill. By the time they knew it, it was 11:00 and the train was getting ready to pull out.

Dylan opens the window and yells for Maximus, and like clockwork the falcon comes flying in the window. They feel the jostle of the train as it begins to move out. The Ilvermorny gang starts talking about Hogwarts and wondering what it looks like.

"I heard there's a giant squid in the lake." Samantha says.

They were so caught up in talking about Hogwarts they hadn't noticed that the sun had already set. Then suddenly the compartment they were in lurched forward and stopped.

"Why did we stop?" Maxine asks

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out."

"Alina don't you're just going to get in trouble."

"I'm just going to go look around, if there's any trouble I'll teleport right back."

"Fine but take Alek with you." Alina nods and motions towards the wolf to follow her.

They walk down the corridor when suddenly it begins to get cold then the lights go out. As they enter another car they notice why. There's a Dementor at the door of one of the compartments and it seems to be attacking some kids inside.

"Get it Alek!" Alina says as she draws her wand.

From inside the carriage Harry Potter has passed out from the Dementor's affect on him. Professor R.J. Lupin pulls out his wand and is about to cast his patronus when he sees what looks like a giant wolf attack the Dementor, knocking it to the ground and begins to shred the dementor to pieces. All that can be heard are the growls from the wolf and the screeching of the dying Dementor, then just like that it was over.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron says

Hermione sits there in complete shock, "I don't know, Ron, but whatever it was, it killed the Dementor.

"A Dementor can't be killed."

"Well apparently it can, and that thing just did, Ronald." Then they realized Harry was unconscious.

Professor Lupin opens the door to the compartment, but there is no trace of what he thinks was a wolf. He turns back inside and offers Harry some chocolate. Then he leaves the compartment to talk to the conductor.

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