Chapter 6 First Day of School

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The quartet went upstairs to Gryffindor Tower, there they saw a kid named Harry Potter give the password.

"Fortuna Major." After some argument with the fat lady, she finally let them in, everyone enter the Gryffindor common room.

"Welcome to Gryffindor common room." The prefect says to the first year, "Girl's dormatory up and to the right boys to the left."

The kids go on upstairs to their dormatories. Oliver Wood tells Dylan that his bed is in his dorm and show him the way. Dylan comes back down a little later with Maximus on his shoulder.

"He was up there waiting for me, you guys take him, I'd rather he be with the rest of the gang." The other Gryffindors stare at Dylan.

"Is that really a falcon?"

"Yeah, in the States we use Falcons instead of owls." Dylan informs them.

The quartet look around the common room, it almost looks like their common room back home, they figure they could get used to this. Samantha looks at the bulletin board and notices that there is no schedule for peer tutoring or study groups.

"Hey, so when do you have peer tutoring?" Sam asks

"What's that?" Lavander Brown asks.

"It's a flexible, peer-mediated strategy that involves students serving as academic tutors and tutees." Maxine tells her.

"In other words when one student tutors another." Alina simplifies.

"We don't have that here." Hermione informs them.

"Weird." They say at the same time.

"Well, guys, if you ever need our help, we'll try to help in any way we can, right ladies?"  The three girls agree with Dylan.

Okay I think its time for bed, need to get up early for my run." Alina says, "Goodnight all."

The other girls say their goodnight and Maxine kisses Dylan.

"Babe, I think I'll stay here tonight and get to know these guys." He whispers.

"Okay just don't stay up too late" Maxine kisses him again then walks out with the girls.

They go to their portrait and decide on a password.

"How about *Wolverine*?" Alina says with a smirk, the other two look at each other and agree.

"That's cool, I like it." Samantha says

"Me too."

"Okay then, *Wolverine*." The portrait swings open and lets the girls pass to their dormatory. They go inside and find that their familars are already there as well as their trunks. They go up to their room and pick out their beds, Alek already lying on the bed by the window.

"Well, I guess that one's mine."

Samantha's cat, Cleo, comes in and claims her bed and Artemis flys in with Maximus following behind and lands on Maxine's bed.

"I guess they're sleeping with us tonight," Maxine says as she scratches her Great Horned Owl and her boyfriend's Falcon.

They each take their turn in the bathroom and get ready for bed. The girls get settled in their bed when they realize they forgot to blow out their candle.

"Alina, would you please?" Samantha says from behind her curtains. Alina waves her hand and the candle goes out.

"Night guys."

The next morning, the girls get ready and head downstairs to the Great Hall to have breakfast, as they're on the way down the girl are joking and laughing and carrying on. Alina is laughing so hard that she wasn't watching where she was going.

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