Becoming Fearless.

Start from the beginning

"I still don't think we should have gotten involved," Portia said.

"Well, I don't like this situation anymore than you.  But we can't have a loose canon running around," James remarked.

"When you started you heard stories."

"I know.  And we've seen what a bad witch can do.  We can't just let her go down that path."

"I guess so."

"Plus, the sooner we are out of debt to them the better."

"But what if something goes wrong and they blame us?" she asked.

I felt horrible.  No matter where I went this burden would hang over me.  In that moment.  Something clicked.  Something that resided deep inside of me.  I stood straight and walked into the room where they were having their conversation. Both of them looked over at me.

"I've felt like something is wrong with me.  That all of this happening to me isn't natural.  And I know it's not. Nothing about me is normal.  But there is one thing I am sure of," I paused and spoke with more conviction than I had in days, weeks even, "I am not going to become what anyone else wants.  And all I want is to be ableto help the people I care about.  Is that really so wrong?"

James looked shocked, and a bit embarrassed that I had heard their conversation.  Portia, on the other hand, she wore a bright smile while she looked at me.

"That's what I wanted to hear," she said.


"You've been hard to read since I got here.  So unsure of yourself.  You won't get anywhere if you can't believe in yourself."

"I think you'll do fine," James interjected.

"Thanks.  I appreciate everything the two of you have done for me.  And I promise I won't let you down."

"Time to call your angel friend.  We're going to head somewhere else.  Now that we've filled our debt. We can live our own lives now," Portia sighed a breath of relief.

"Sorry I dragged you two into this.  But now I owe you guys, so anytime you need anything.  Just let me know."

"We will."

I grabbed the small bag of my things Cas had brought here.  He dropped it off before he brought Dean and I here weeks ago.  I prayed to Cas and it was a moment before he appeared beside me.

"Hello, ____," Cas said.

"Long time, no see, Wings," I grinned, before turning back to them, "thank you both."

Cas addressed the two before dropping his hand onto my shoulder.  I gave a wide smile followed by a wave.  It had been ages since I had felt sure of myself.  Fearless, like I could handle anything.  Life had certainly given me many reasons to doubt who I was.  We disappeared in a moment before returning to my room at Bobby's.  I stumbled a little before tossing my bag onto the bed.

"I'll never get used to traveling like that," I chuckled, "by the way, thanks for finding someone to help."

"I'm glad to have helped."

"So where are Sam and Dean?"

"On a hunt. They've been gone for a few days," he said calmly.

"Like a few days it's just taking awhile to finish? Or I should be concerned and go find them?"

"They will be fine."

"Oh okay."

With that Cas disappeared from my room.  I wondered if Cas ever really took a break for himself.   Footsteps climbed the stairs.  The table in the hall was hit with a loud thud.  A scratching of the wooden legs on the hardwood floor was followed by a familiar phrase.

"Balls!" Bobby exclaimed.

I popped my head out from my room, "hey Bobby!"

"What the...when did...what are you doing sneaking up on me?"

"Eloquent as always.  How have you been?"

"Good, how about you?  And don't start with your back talk."

"Sorry, Bobby.  How have things been?"

"Good, they boys have been out on hunts since you left."

"They due back anytime soon?" I asked.


"Just curious."

"Or do you miss Dean?" his voice hung on Dean's name with the same sing song tone that he always mocked me with when I liked someone.

"Stop Bobby," I laughed feel heat rise in my cheeks.

"I don't know what you see in him.  I told him I'd kill him if he got involved with you.  He didn't listen."

"Oh come on Bobby, I could do a whole lot worse."

"Like that stalker kid I had to scare off when you were in high school?"

"Yeah,  see."

"It's hard.  You're like my own daughter.  I know you're not but I loved you just as much.  And if he hurt you, I wouldn't be able to look at him the same."


His face softened. It was the first time I had seen him sad.  Even nearing the point of tears.  I stepped forward but he held his hand out.

"I have a lot of regrets, ____, and if you were to get hurt I just don't know how..." he paused, "when you left I thought it was because of me.  Because I just wanted to do what your parents thought was best for you.  Few of us get a normal life.  You had a shot.  Better than any of us. But it wasn't what you wanted.  I'm sorry."

"Bobby," I said running over to him, wrapping my arms around him, "I guess I never told you how thankful I was for what you did for me.  You gave me a home when I had nowhere else to go.  But like I said I had to.  Even knowing what I know about my mother now.  My father, my brother deserved better.  And they deserved revenge."

"I know.  I should have been there, I should have helped you."

"Awful lot of should haves in this conversation.  We're here now and I'm not going anywhere."

He patted my back and pulled me closer.  The door downstairs creaked open. We let go as he quickly apologized for getting emotional.  Then quickly proceeded to tell me I would be grounded for life if I told Dean, Sam or anyone.  I laughed and agreed.

"Hey Bobby," Dean's voice rang through the house, "we're back.  Where are you?"

"Upstairs!"  he called before lowering his voice to me, "go on.  And if he hurts you let me know I'll take care of him."

I smiled and turned quickly.  My body ran down the stairs as footsteps neared them.  Dean turned to head up the stairs.  He had not seen me yet as I crashed into him at the bottom. The force sent him into the wall not far behind.  My arms held tightly onto him.

"____?  When did you get back?" he asked with happiness in his voice.

"A few minutes ago.  I missed you."

"Yeah, these long trips have been a bit boring without you."

"Hey," Sam said with a slight tone of being offended.

"Sam.  Good to see you," I said letting go of Dean.

"Good to see you, too.  How was the training?"

"Very informative.  I think I am going to be alright.  With this.  With everything."

"Good to hear.  Because things have started to happen since you've been gone," Dean remarked.

"Good things, right?" I asked knowing that wouldn't be the answer.

"Not quite."

"What's been happening?"


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