Chapter 2

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Mycroft woke back up around eight. He felt better, but still shitty. Getting out of bed he walked over to the door and unlocked it after getting dressed for the day. He left the room and went back downstairs to have that bowl of cereal he promised he'd eat for Greg. Greg had fallen asleep on the couch again with the book open and resting on his chest. He also had his phone in his hand with a text from Sherlock on the screen asking how Mycroft was.Mycroft saw Greg and picked up his phone. He sent a text saying he was fine and he wanted to be left alone. Hopefully Sherlock would by that. He put the phone down where he found it the went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal. Greg snored softly laying on the couch sleeping peacefully.He sat down at the table after grabbed some milk for his cereal. Mycroft slowly began to eat. As he did he wondered how long Greg would stay here with him. Greg rolled off the couch in his sleep and woke up when he hit the floor groaning quietly and rubbing his head. Mycroft stood up and went to the living room "Everything okay?" He noticed Greg on the floor."Why are you on the floor?"Greg raised an eyebrow looking up at him "It looked quite comfy in my dream so I decided to try it in real life." He said softly rubbing his head. "That wasn't very smart. I thought you knew better." He raised an eyebrow, smirking softly."Greg raised an eyebrow "I'm not that smart you know?""Could have fooled me. You seemed pretty smart when I talked to you. You must be a good faker. Sherlock texted you, I replied."Greg frowned slightly "How did you know my phone password? On second thoughts don't answer that I already know how you knew.""I ate something. But what am I going to do for the rest of the day if I can't work?" He pulled out his phone and began searching for therapists, he had answered his own question. Greg raised an eyebrow looking at him "We could go on a walk? To the park round the corner and have a coffee or something?" He said softly. "I don't think I want to go outside. Maybe another time though. I believe I answered my own question though."Greg nodded slowly and sat back down on the couch "What are you going to do today then?" He said softly looking up at him. "Interview therapists. Sherlock and john need one. It's the least I can do." He wouldn't mention he was getting one for himself. It'd really be useful in the long run. Greg raised an eyebrow standing back up and walking over to Mycroft fixing the man's tie quietly that look of love back in those brown eyes "You can't do an interview with a wonky tie now Mr Holmes." He said softly.He rolled his eyes. "I doubt there'd care how I look. I know that's the least of my worries right now."Greg raised an eyebrow looking up at Mycroft biting his lip slightly "I... I need to tell you something." He said quietly. "What is it?" Mycroft looked at Greg with slight concern in his eyes. "Is something wrong? Is it Sherlock?"Greg shook his head "No Sherlock's fine it's about me and...And how I feel about you.""Can it wait? Or is it terribly important?" He crossed his arms. Greg frowned and looked at him "It doesn't matter." He said quietly a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Tell me now, if it's important. I just forgot I had something that needed to be done."Greg frowned "I like you more than I may have previously let on...And by like I mean love.""I don't follow." A look of confusion passed over Mycroft. He may be more human than he wished but that didn't mean he understood everything. Greg raised an eyebrow "I love you Mycroft I always have done." He said quietly putting his hands in his pockets. "You,uh, love me? Um, okay.. When did that start?" He for one didn't believe in love, but he'd go along with it for him. Greg looked into his eyes "When I first saw you smile...Not that fake smile that you do when you can barely tolerate people but the real smile that only few people see.""I don't think you've ever seen that. We've only been around each other at crime scenes and when we meet to talk about Sherlock."
Greg nodded "And you have that smile on your face when you talk about your little brother, you may not notice it but I do."
"Hardly. I despise him. I only associate with him so my mother doesn't hate me. Which doesn't matter anymore."Greg rolled his eyes "Fine don't believe me then...But why else would I be here if I didn't care about you?"
"Sherlock asked you to be here. But I'm fine. You have work, so you should get going." He wasn't fine, but that's okay. Greg doesn't need to know he's not fine. Greg frowned "I don't have work but I guess you don't want me here so I'll leave." He said quietly grabbing his coat and walking to the door.
He sighed. "Okay, then. I'll see you when I see you. If you have to see Sherlock that text was from you and not from me."Greg raised an eyebrow "I'm sure you'll see him before I do." He said softly.
"Hardly. He's either at his flat rebuilding it or looking for you." He walked back into the kitchen to clean up his breakfast. Greg sighed quietly opening up the front door and walking outside mentally cursing himself for telling Mycroft about how he felt.Mycroft made sure Greg was gone before locking the door and banging his head against it. Greg must have been out of his mind. No one loved him and no one was going to love him. It must haven been a joke thought up by Sherlock.

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