Chapter 19

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The next morning, Louis awoke on the green grass of Bill's yard, and to the feeling of someone's body snuggled up next to his. There was a head of brown curly hair resting on his chest. Waking up this way wasn't new to him. What was new, however, was that it was Lilly that laid asleep next to him. Louis yawned, trying to stretch, but when he tried to move his arm, he noticed that his right hand was holding tight to Lilly's left one. Louis chuckled to himself. So much for mushy shit.

He didn't mind her lying there, snuggled up to him. In fact, he somewhat enjoyed it. She looked so peaceful while she was asleep, and he liked staring at her delicate features; such as her constantly rosy cheeks, long eyelashes, and even her slightly chapped lips. Suddenly, her eyes opened, revealing the light brown eyes that shone so brightly whenever she smiled.

"Taking me up on that 'stare at me whenever you like' offer?" Lilly asked, raising her eyebrows playfully, not moving from him. Louis rolled his eyes.

"You haven't even been awake for 5 minutes and you're already making jokes," he said, squeezing her hand and laughing. Lilly laughed along with him.

"I like jokes." She giggled.

They heard a snap behind them, instantly turning around at the noise. Lilly reached for her knife, which she had kept on her the entire night, and pulled it out, holding it up at Zayn, who was a few yards away.

"Sorry," he mumbled, picking up an empty can and placing it in a trash bag. "I tried to be quiet."

Lilly turned away, waiting to hear some rude remark from him. Why had she been so stupid as to fall asleep with him? The reaction she got wasn't one she expected.

"And I'm really glad you two got some sleep last night." He smiled at her, shouting as he stumbled over the trash bag. Blushing, he threw the bag on the ground. "I'll get that shit later." He looked back up at the 2. "Go ahead and continue. Hope I didn't ruin anything." He then left them alone, apologizing again for being so loud.

As soon as the door closed behind him, he smiled when he heard their loud laughs. Walking by the living room to find an empty couch, he figured that Ness actually slept in the room with Liam, too tired to put up any fight. They had all turned in at about 4 in the morning, Perrie falling asleep earlier than that. He had carried her to bed, tucking her in and heading back out to make sure the fire was out. He left Louis and Lilly where they were, knowing that it would be extremely impolite to bother them. At that time they weren't cuddled up as they had been that morning.

He had offered to carry Ness, saying she looked way too tired to make it all the way there herself. She just answered by saying that she had stayed awake even more exhausted than she had been, protesting that she wasn't going to be getting much sleep that night anyway. He frowned at her words, hoping they weren't true. When he saw her wandering the hall with dead eyes and a pale face, he knew it to be the tragic truth.

"Didn't get much sleep?" he asked, almost smacking himself in the head for engaging in conversation. He was trying to take a step back from her.

"I never do," she answered, and he frowned. She noticed his sad expression and added, "But thanks for asking." Giving him a soft smile, she sat down on the couch. "How's your face?"

He chuckled. "Super sore, but I'll make it."

"Glad to hear it." She shuffled her feet awkwardly on the floor, her hands sweating out of her control. "And I- um, I need to tell you something." He moved to sit next to her, placing a hand gently on her knee for comfort. Trying to remain indiscreet, she rubbed her hands over her knees, knocking his hand off.

"What is it?" he prodded, wanting desperately to know what she could possibly want to tell him. She never seemed to talk to him anyways. He was the one who always had to start a conversation between them if he wanted one to transpire.

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