Chapter 29

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He was twiddling his thumbs and looked really scared. He barely opened his mouth, like he was ready to speak, but then stopped and that made you roll your eyes, "What did you want me for? To watch you playing with your fingers and mumbling incomprensibile stuff?". That sentence made the situation even worse, since he was starting to panicking again and you were worrying, so, rubbed his cheek, trying to make him feel more comfortable. It was boiling hot and bright red. He looked really surprised and felt like a dick at the same time, even though he did this to you, you seemed to still care about him. You had always been an amazing partner to him and now he was ruining everything. "Stuart, relax. Just.. say what you need to say", he stopped sweating and his face regained a more natural shade.
"I-I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to kiss 'er, I-I jus-", "But you did it, Stuart. After all she did, and all I've done for you, you just kissed her. You're making me feel like an idiot, why?!", "BECAUSE I-", he stopped. "You what?", "I..", you glared at him, "I wasn't sure if yew loved me anymore..".

"Does it really look like I don't?.. damn it, Stuart..". He wanted to hug you, but you stepped away, "I'm sorry, but, I don't know if I believe you. If I can still trust you", you said and sighed. He looked like he was about to cry, "Are yew breakin' up wif me?", he asked, but you didn't say anything.

"Y/n..", "I just need some time, okay?", you then answered, kissing his forehead and left his room. After he had heard your steps on the stairs, he silently bursted into tears, trying not to be heard from you.


End of chapter 29.

2D x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora