Chapter 5

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F/s: favorite song

You and the others finally arrived to Kong. "Welcome to Kong Studios, lemme show you around!" said Murdoc with his raspy voice.
"Er.. wait, I'll do it, I don't trust yew Murdoc", rumbled Stu, grabbing your wrist. "Shut your mouth, you insolent douch-""STOP IT!". Noodle cut Murdoc off. "I'll give her a tour of the house. You two need to chill somewhere else. Come with me y/n!", "I guess that's okay..", you said, while Russel rolled his eyes.
You and Noodle giggled and started the tour.

End of the tour

"I like you y/n! You seem like a very nice person! Anyway, sorry about Mudz and 2D, they don't really get along..", 2D, huh?", you thought and said, "That's okay Noodle", but you didn't understand why were they arguing like that.

Time skip

Noodle was listening to music in her room, Russle was practising drums and Murdoc was doing no one knows what in his Winnebago. You were on the couch and Stuart sat next to you.
"Why did yew move back "ere y/n?" He asked. "Because a job had been offered to me here..but, I recently got fired and I'm looking for a new place, 'cause I've lost my house.. so uhm, that's it". He was very sorry about that, so he looked into your eyes and gave you a big hug to cheer you up, that made you smile. "I'd be happy if yew shared wif us", he said. You were surprised. "Really? Oh my God, that would help me a lot! Thank you Stuart. I may ask the others." Then, you kissed his cheek and he looked quiet spaced out, but you didn't pay too much attention to that.

When you asked the guys, they all agreed (especially Murdoc, cause ur hot af!!) and you thanked them. You felt extremely happy and lucky that day. "The last thing left to do is to find a job, at least, something that allows me to pay the bills, guys." There was silence for a moment. "We're looking for someone to do backing vocals and play a second guitar. I don't know.. Er..can you?" asked Murdoc. "Well.. I play guitar sometimes, maybe that could help!" you aswered. "What 'bout er beautiful voice, y/n?", said Stu. "Uhm.. not really..", you shyly said. "Come on, girl! I'm curious now!", claimed Russel. You gave a look at Noodle who was nodding and she lent you her acoustic guitar. You started singing and playing f/s and suddenly saw all smiley faces, except for Stu, who was blushing. You really had an amazing voice. "Congrats lady! You're part of Gorillaz now!", said Mudz grabbing you by the hips to hug you, but you noticed Stu looked very upset.


End of chapter 5.

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