Chapter 15

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This time I'm the one crying as I say goodbye to my little girl. After she decided she wanted to go to daddies she stayed with me for another two weeks. Now as Nathan moved into a new house she was moving in with him. I was going to miss my little Angel so so much. I didn't want to let her go but I knew it was what was right. I knew it was what was best. I tried to think of it less as a terrible story ending for myself and more of a happy story ending for Angelina.

I would still visit her. I don't think they could have stoped me from doing that. If they had I would have still found a way. So maybe this wasn't going to be such a terrible story ending. As I said to Angie. Over time everything will get better. You just have to hold in for it.

She walks into the new house with Nathan while I stand on the lawn looking like a mess with mascara running down my face. I go and sit back in my car. It was over now. Who knew when the next time I would see my baby was.

She came out onto the front lawn motioning for me to come in.

"Look Steff. Look at how amazing this house is."

"Wow!" I exclaim as I take my first look inside. The house was modern that was for sure. It was mostly white with marble benches and decoration. There was even a marble staircase leading to a downstairs area.

"Well Angelina. I hope you will be happy here." I say.

"Me too." She replies.

I say goodbye one last time before I head off. Hoping for a better future but preparing myself for a worse.


Last chapter of the main story guys.  I hope you liked it.  I will upload a few epilogues.

Please tell me what you thought of both the story and the writing.

I loved writing this for you guys, xoxo JustALadyGagaFan

That's My Girl // A Lady Gaga FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora