Chapter 14

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Angelina warily approaches Nathan as he walks into my apartment. He tries to hug her but she looks too scared. I don't know why she is suddenly so afraid of her dads.

"Come on Ainge. He really misses you." I say.

She looks at me and then goes over and hugs him. "Ainge I've missed you so much. I hope you come and live with me soon. I'm looking at a house and it would be perfect for the two of us."

"Dad you're not supposed to say things like that." She says.

"Oh right. I'll keep my mouth shut." He picks her up in a hug. "It's just that I can't bare to be away from you."

"I miss you too daddy." She says hugging him tight back.

"Do you guys maybe want to go out and do something together?" I say. "Go off on your own for a bit."

"Yeah, that sounds great." Her dad says. They decide on going to see a movie. While I have some time to myself I go down to the studio and do some work.

Before I know it it gets late. I head off back home to find Angelina and Nathan waiting for me. I open the door to let them in.

"Oh that's okay. I need o go anyway." Nathan says before giving Ainge one last hug and leaving.

I prepare dinner for Ainge and sit down to eat the chicken mignon with her.

"Steff I think that I want to stay with daddy. Angelia tells me. "But not yet though. I want to spend some more time with you then go see daddy."

"Are you sure baby?"

"I'm pretty sure." She says, "I think daddy loves me more."

"Wait Ainge. Did daddy say that to you? Did daddy say he loved you more than dad did?"

She nods her head. That was not good news. He was brainwashing Angelina.

I wait until Angie is in bed before I ring Chris.

"Hey Chris. I think we may have a small problem. Nathan was telling Angelina that he loved you more than Angelina." I tell him.

He doesn't say anything for a moment. When he does speak it breaks my heart. "Look Steff. Now that I have been away from her for a while I think it's definitely true. He has always been the main parent. And now with everything that has happened and all I think it might be best if he does take her. Don't get me wrong I love my little girl. I just can easily imagine my life without her."

"So you're saying that you don't want her back?"

"I don't know that. I just think it would be better if Nathan took her."

I let it out. "She choses Nathan."

I can here him breath in and out over the phone. Then he hangs up. I realise that he just lost his little girl.


were you expecting that to happen.  I wasn't, even though I'm the author I'm like 'Aww come on can't Nathan just like die in a car crash and then Gaga and Chris can raise Angelina together in a friendship couple.'

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