Chapter 4

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I sit down waiting in the small school auditorium with Chris and Nathan while Angelina is out backstage getting ready. I haven't had a chance to see her yet so I hope she doesn't still hate me in the way she made so obvious last week.

The lights turn off and the curtain starts to open. One of the teachers comes out to tell us what is going to be happening tonight and then introduces the first act.

I sit through about 14 2 minute acts before Angelina finally comes on. I smile as my heart skips a beat. One thing is certain. She is definitely my daughter. Her slightly mismatched outfit radiates colour and all of that shyness she hold while talking to me disappeared while she was preforming. That little girl could sing and dance too.

I sat through many more acts before one of the teachers came up to me.

"Hey, we have heard rumours that you are Lady Gaga. Is it true."

"No sorry, I have been told I look like her though." I lie.

"Sorry to bother you." She turns to walk off.

"Ra ra ah ah ah."

She turns back. "Wait, are you trying to..."

"Yes I'm Gaga." I say cutting her off, "But I don't know if me doing a little performance would be the best idea in the world. My daughter back there who I don't even know yet seems to hate me."

"Your daughter goes to this school."

Oh no I shouldn't have said that. I wanted to keep it a secret to protect her privacy.

"Look that was a slip up. Please don't tell anyone."

"We could always pretend the only reason you are here is to do a little performance." The teacher says with a malignant grin.

I feel black mailed which makes me want to walk out of the building. But I decide to do it for the sake of Angelina.

I turn over to Chris and tell him about the conversation. He tells me it is fine to go.

The teacher excitedly takes me off backstage where I wait for the rest of the acts to finish. I have to quickly decide what I want to sing. I decide on Born this way because I feel like it has a good message for little kids.

The final girl finishes off her gymnastics routine. The presenter gives me a short introduction and then I go on to sing my song. I have to sing it without a backing track.

After I finish the crowd cheers harder than they did for any of the other acts. I feel bad for all of the other children.

They bring all of the children up onto the stage ready to announce the winners. I look out for Angelina. She comes on out but once she sees me she runs off back backstage. I die a little inside. So it is official. My daughter hates me.

I am asked to present the awards. They start with 1st place then move onto second. Then for 3rd place they call Angelina. I'm so proud of my little girl.

Some of the teachers manage to get her back up on stage but she refuses to take the award from me. One of the other teachers ended up having to give it to her.

I died inside. The same way I did every time she showed me just how much she didn't want to be in my life.

That's My Girl // A Lady Gaga FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang