Chapter 44

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(Hi :$ bye :) enjoy and VOTEEE)

{won't stop-Miley Cyrus
Fall-justin bieber
Dilemma-Selena Gomez
Unconditionally-Katy perry
Mirror - Bruno Mars}

Maya's POV

I opened my eyes to a blurry vision. I scanned the place to find that I'm in Justin's arms. He is sleeping and the TV is on. I'm laying on Justin's chest and his heard was laying on the back of the sofa. I smiled at the cuteness of him when he sleeps. He is so cute more that you can even imagine. I took the remote of his other hand and turned the TV off. I looked back at Justin to see that he is moving but still sleeping.

I can't help but stop moving and watch him. His lips. His messy hair. His closed eyes. Everything about him make me realize that I love him more then before.

I lie back on his chest and start to play with his shirt.

Suddenly he moves and sighed. I closed my eyes pretending that I'm sleeping.

I could hear his little giggling cause he saw that I fall asleep on his chest.

He places a kiss on my forehead and smiled.

"Good morning baby. I just want to say that I love you so much. I wish when you wake up you have a good day. I just want you to know that I'm never leaving you and I will always be by your side to protect you. I love when your smile so don't forget to smile. Love you" he whispered and before I know it I said "I love you too" and smiled and opened my eyes.

"Maya?" He said blushing.
"Yes. That's me" I said giggling.
"I thought you were sleeping" he said looking away embracing and blushing.
"No I wasn't" I said.

He didn't answer and still scanning the room to hide his blush.

I got closer to his and kissed his back of his neck and took his chin in my hand and turned saying "don't hide from me"

He turned to me slowly and I saw his blushing face. I smiled big and said "Justin's shy! From when you get shy!" I said teasing him.

He looked away again and said "oh shut up"

I giggles and stands up and sat on his lap face to face so my legs were around his waist and his hands on my back to hold me from falling on the floor.

I hugged him and said "do you tell me that every morning?"

He didn't answer and saw his hands moving nervously on my back so I giggles.

"Awww baby I love you" I said kissing his cheek and hug him again.

He pulled away and putted me back on the sofa next to him and locked eyes with mine and scan my face. He then placed his hand on my cheek and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled. My baby Justin is shy and doesn't know what to do.

"Did I ever told you that your cute when your shy?" I said and he looked away.

"Common maya shut up!" He said still looking away.

I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Good morning birds" daddy's voice came from behind.

I throw his a look and then I said "good morning daddy!"

Love birds? Okay...

"What you guys planting to do today?" He said walking to the kitchen.

I looked Justin who were scanning me up and down...

"I don't know dad but I think it's gonna be a lazy day" I said and pushed Justin in his arm making sure it's not the one hurting him. So he mouthed me "ow" so I throw him a glare of stop-looking-at-me-that-way-or-I-will-kill-you. So he looked away.

"Lazy day? Well you guys are welcomed in my house but I will go to my job then!" He said.

"Oh okay! We gonna leave later anyways" Justin finally spoke.

"I told you guys that I'm going to help you but the first thing we should know is your story!"


We were sitting, Justin and I, waiting for dad to tell us what he thinks of our story that we just finished telling him about.

He thank about it and told us that he will do his best to help and he will be on our side. We gave him our number and he said that he should leave for work and he will tell his boss to take the permission to help us.

Walking out his house and going back to Harry's place to find three people about to kill one of us.

We explained everything and when I told harry about dad he got sick about if and about what he did to our mothers! I mean dad divorced with the two of them and now he is alone and who knows if he is single or not! I don't care less I just want him to help us.


This night I was too tired so we both, Justin and I, went to bed early.

Justin won't sleep but he said that he will go with me cause he is not in the mood to talk with anyone of them.

Justin from earlier today had something wrong and I'm sure of it. But what is it? I don't know that. I asked him tho but he said nothing and changed the subject so I choose to just drop it!

I soon fall asleep on Justin's chest and the last thing I knew was that Justin was thinking about something and in deep thoughts about it that when I said good night he didn't answer me and his eyes are locked in front of him.

I hope it's a good thing cause I'm tough.

I closed my eyes and fall asleep.

Justin's POV

Getting out of my thoughts to find maya already felt asleep. I slapped my face with my hand in disappoint and leaned to kiss her forehead and couldn't help but getting in my deep thoughts again.

Thinking about my life before maya. And how easy it was. Ya there were some dangerous things but nobody was looking after me like now the police is searching me.


"Hey guys! There is a new girl out there what do you think about her?" Marcel said joining the circle.

"No man I'm out of it!" Ryan Said.
"I'm in!" I said.
"In too" Chaz said.
"I know who is the winner but I'm in!" Henry said.
"Obviously in!" Jake said.

I know I will win. Sooner or later I will go get her and Just take the money and pass it again.

-this night-

I was with the guys in the party that a friend do it in his house every Friday. So we all always are the first to go. And luckily this girl was there too.

Marcel went to talk to her she looked at him up and down and left him alone!

"Burnnn" we all screamed when he came back.

Chaz went and tuned back without doing anything and said "she is not answering me" we all laughed.

They all passed and I was the last one to pass cause I'm sure as hell I'm gonna get her tonight or tomorrow night. Plus I'm giving them the chance! Cause I'm always the winner and I will always be! There is a reason why I have lots of money!

I went to her to find her standing in front of the table of the food picking what she gonna eat.

"Assholes!" I said.
"What?" She said with disgust.
"They are assholes" I said looking at them making her to look too.
She giggles and said "why?"

"They are trying to talk to you but I didn't heard what they said but I'm sure as hell they are just talking like assholes" I said and she laughed loud.

I looked at them and winked and they all cheers!

"They are!" She said in between the laugh.

"I like your laugh" what a player I am! It's kinda so funny!

She blushed and said "thanks"

"I'm Justin" I said giving her my hand to shake. She took it and said "I'm Diana"

"Nice to meet you Diana. Your new here right?" I said.
"Yes" she said.
"Just take care cause there is lots of those assholes out there" I winked and she started to giggles.
"Don't worry I can take care of myself so well" she said and tapped on my shoulder. I half smile. She is so confident and i love those girls. She seems nice but I really need the money.

"So I have to go before they kill me. Take my number..." I said grabbing her hand with my left hand and with my right I grabbed the pen in my back pocket and opening it with my mouth.

She giggles and I looked at her and winked.

I wrote down my number on her palm and while I'm writing I caught her bitting her lip. I smiled to myself and thought 'this is gonna be easy'

I turned her hand and kiss her back of her hand and said "call me if you need anything... But still can I have yours?" I said giving her my phone.

She wrote it down without a world and I can tell that she is already falling on the trick!

"See ya around beautiful" I said and she waved at me and turned around again to take her food.

-Two nights later-

"Are you sure about that" I said. And she nodded still closing her eyes.

I took off her pants and smiled to myself. Tomorrow I'm having the money in my pocket. Sorry Diana!

*end of flashback*

I was a player!
I was dumb!

I played with every girl and didn't even bother of looking after her when Im done.

It's like it's a game getting old. Girl after girl after girl till maya.

I was always winning but with maya I won yes! But lost the bet! I felt with her and the last thing I wanted from her is to sleep with her. All I was thinking about was hearing 'I love you' from her mouth and really feel that she really does.


"Give it to me! NOW!" I screamed in Brendan's face.

I won the bet and he won't give me the money.

"You took from all of them! I don't want to be in!" He said.
"Well you should have said that before I won asshole! Now you give me the money or you won't get back to you home!" I said.
"You gonna beat me for money bieber!?" He said.
"You know exactly that this is not true! You know actually why I will beat the shit out of you!" I said. I don't care about the money but that someone play with me and lie to me or take something is mine! Like that he is playing with his life!
"I don't care! You will beat your friend for the money?" He said.
"You know that you are not my friend! And I'm not doing this for the money cause you know how rich I am. My bathroom is the biggest room in your house. I'm doing this because If someone try to be a player with me or try to challenge me I will make him suffer his life! Now give me the money!" I said.
"I own nothing for you! Want your money get it yourself pussy!" He said and walked away. Fine! He asked for it!

-this night-

He was walking to get to his room and closer to me.

"Welcome home master" I said holding a gun over him.
"J-Justin?" He said.
"Who is the pussy now?" I giggled.
"What you want?" He said locking eyes on the gun in my hands.
"My money motherfucker!" I said.
"Here!" He gave me the money but not all of it.
"It's not all!" I said.
"That's what I have for now!" He said.
"Told you my bathroom is your bedroom Bitch!" I said.

I took the money and get closer to his ear and whispered "if I don't have the last of it tomorrow night you gonna have to say goodbyes to all you love before you come home man! You know that I didn't do that for the money but when someone try to stand in front of my way and challenge me he will regret everything. He will regret the day that he meet me and hate my name and hate the dark cause he won't see the light again!" I said and then walked away.

*end of flashback*

This is really dumb.
I regret doing this.

The only girl I remember her name is Diana. I don't know why but I kinda liked her. She was confident and hard to be broken but I broke her in the eyes blink. She was funny. Everything was right with her but she was the only girl that marked me for some reasons I don't know! I told her my secret!

Not so secret but I got the dream of dad beating mom when I was with her so I told her and she didn't do like others and laughed at me or be sorry for me but no! She made me stronger. She was the reason why I stopped dreaming about it! She was saying 'don't let a dream have you! Stop it before he gets to your collar and make you gasped for air to survive!'

I did as I was told and I won. She helped me getting over my fucking dream and I didn't do anything else then making her life the worst!

I looked back at the clock in the counter next to me and gasped when I saw the hour.

6:15 am

What the hell?

There been what? A day that I'm thinking about this? More then 12 hours!

I slide myself under the pillow next to maya and kissed her cheeks and felt asleep sooner.

Maya's POV

I opened my eyes to find Justin next to me wide eyes.

I wonder if he told me his sentence.

"Good morning" I said and he still wide eyes and not moving his eyes!

"Justin?" I shakes him and he finally got out of this thoughts!

"Hein?" He said.
"Good morning?" I said.
"Good morning" he gave me a fake smile and kissed my cheeks and was about to get out the bed but I grabbed his hand.

"Where you going?" I said.
"Bathroom!" He said.
"From when you get out the bed before me? You were always begging me to stay longer beside you now you are walking out without saying anything!" I said.
"I'm sorry" he said sleeping next to me again and wrapping his arms around me.

"Okay no! Tell me what's wrong Justin!" I said coldly.
"Nothing wrong baby!" He said.
"Short answers! No good morning! Red eyes so you kinda didn't sleep last night! Fake smiles! Getting out the bed before me... All that and it's nothing? I know you so much to tell you your lying!" I said.
"Maya there is nothing okay?" He said.
"No it's not okay! You have to tell me what's wrong!" I said.

He groaned and got out the bed and left me alone.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

He walked in the bathroom and closed the door.

Five minutes later. I still on the bed and Justin is still in the bathroom.

"Justin?" I said knocking on the door.
"Justin?" I said again knocking again.

I opened the door and luckily it wasn't locked to find Justin sitting on the floor. His heard between his knees and his back leaned on the wall behind him.

I ran to him and I bend knees in front of him.

"Justin?" I said.

He looked up at me. His red eyes sending me message of hurt, lost, broken and so many more...

"Baby what's wrong?" I said hugging his body and getting closer.

"I'm tough" he said and my heart dropped. Of me? He is tough...of me?

"My thoughts are eating me alive! My past is dark and hurting me whenever I remember anything! Flashbacks getting the worst in me sending me to hell! I cant hold it anymore! Nobody deserves what I did for them before! Even you! You don't deserve this... I-I don't know" he broke down again and more tears falling down.

I couldn't move. I couldn't say anything! I just can say that I'm so proud of him! Yes! So proud that he finally is regretting what he did before and that means that Justin the bad boy can regret!

"I'm so proud of you!" I said an I started to explain why.

I wiped away his tears and hugged him tight again and he hugged finally back!

"Smile bro!" I said trying to make him laugh so he giggles and I joined him!

"Don't let the past have you! Don't let anyone eat you! I'm the only one allowed here!" I said and he laughed.

"The only one" he said with his cruelly voice cause he was crying!


We walked down to find melody and harry kissing!

"Oh save it for the bed!" Justin said and I giggled.

They both pulled away. Melody looked away blushing and harry throw him a dead glare!

"It's like you don't kiss! Who know what else you do up there!" Harry said.

"Ya but not in front of you Harry!" Justin said trying to talk with Harry's British accent. It sounds cute!!!

"Your not good in British accent Justin" melody said glaring at Justin with her poker face.

I laughed and said "he is Mel admit it!"

Suddenly Justin's phone rang.

"It's your dad" Justin and said pick up!

"Speaker" I whispered and Justin did what I told him too.

"Hey Justin! I just want to tell you the news!" Dad said and my heart raced.

"Ya go on!" Justin said looking at me.

"The man isn't dead and when maya shotted him he felt on his head and his doctor said that he lost his memory!" Dad said.

Before I know it I was screaming louder then anything else. Louder then the last time. And Justin dropped the phone and hugged me so tight.

I'm safe. The man can't remember anything and the other Ryan went to give him the money to shut his mouth!

This is the best day ever.


Thanks for the 23kkkkkkkkkk

Thank you so much. I hope you like the story so far. Love you all. Smile ;)

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