seven: leave

13 8 7

Thankyou @blackbirdes for this cover!


"You stay safe, You love. You survive. You laugh and cry and struggle and sometimes you fail and sometimes you succeed. You Push."
― Carrie Ryan, The Dead-Tossed Waves


It's been a two weeks now since the incident with Rick. In fact, it was merely an incident. He intended to hurt me. He tried to starve me and harm me to the point of trauma. Rick wanted me to remember what he did. It was a crime of passion he performed, and I was his star in the show.

I can remember the strong smell of alcohol and tobacco on his lingering breath. The way his arm felt wrapped tightly around my smooth arm. The way his gun stuck harsh into my rib cage, forcing to break and enter my skin.

The conversation with Jade about leaving left us both heartbroken. We could fill buckets with the tears that we shed, but she was completely understanding about it.

She helped me change everything. My hair got cut up just below my shoulders and dyed blonde. I plugged my originally green eyes with ocean blue contacts, making my eyes pop. I painted my lips with a deep red and threw on a black, tight shirt that accentuates my curves, and dark blue jeans. The look overall suited my new features.

Ethan agreed to drive me to the trains, where they would take me to Sydney in approximately eight hours.

"We're here," He says shyly, raking his hands through his light brown hair. His intense green eyes stared into my eyes. "Please be safe."

I nod, breaking the tension and getting out of the car. I stick my head through the widely ajar car window.

"Thank you," I whisper confidently. "For everything."

I make me way towards the dull grey station, the wind ruffling my short blonde hair.

Walking onto the long, metallic train, I find a navy blue seat and sit, plugging my ears with the sound of Troye Sivan. The train starts moving and the scenery instantly changes from dark grays, to bright greens. We pass a river, the tropical blue colour reflecting on this thick glass that stands before me. The sun shines brightly on the gleaming water and then, it disappears. Green shrubs enter my view, followed by fields of colourful flowers.

I shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep to 'Blue Neighborhood'. The sound of rain peppering the roof soothes my mind and before I know it, I'm fast asleep.


The silver skyscrapers towered above me, as the sun shone brightly down, smothering everything in its view with golden rays.

The train slows down, passing the azure harbor and they Sydney Opera House comes into view. I pull out my phone and quickly snap a photo of the creamy, white architecture.

Before I changed my phone number, I wrote down my important contacts and changed them, so Rick couldn't track me down. I decided to quickly text Cass, an old high school friend, who moved to Sydney with her boyfriend, Luke. She texted me her address and I caught a cab to her house.

"Serena," She wrapped me in a tight, yet comfortable hug. "Are you okay?"

She stepped aside of the door and invited me in.

"I'm fine," I reply. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

She leads me into a marble themed kitchen and offers me a can of diet coke. I pop it open, taking a long sip out of it. The fizzy liquid trickled down my throat as our conversation continued about my father and everything that happened on that lonely, dangerous night.

"That fucker." She mumbles under her breath. The look on my face points out that I'm uncomfortable, so she makes an attempt to change the conversation topic.

"Are you hungry? Luke will be back soon with some pizza?"

"I'm sure pizza is the answer to my problems right now." I let out a soft giggle. Cassidy brushes her curly brown locks of her shoulder and flashes a cheeky smile at me.

A knuckle pounds at the main door. "I come baring pizza!" Luke yells from the other side of the oak door.

"Can you get that please?" Cass asks, dabbing at a small coke stain, that she somehow spilled on her dark, denim skinny jeans.

I walk a few steps to the door and open it. He grins and hands me the two boxes of pizza, dusting off both of his hands and sighing out loud.

"Hey Serena, haven't seen you since high school." He shouts me a friendly smile and looks at me up and down. "Weren't your eyes green? And your hair was definitely brown."

I frown. "It's a long story." I follow him to the kitchen and follow Cass to the guest room, bags in hand. It's a small bedroom, but it seems cozy.

"Are you okay paying rent?" She asked me softly.

"I'll be fine." I smile weakly. "But I'll be better with some pizza."

She laughs, tilting her head back, as we walk to the kitchen island, digging into the crisp pizzas.


The pitch black around me made me feel nervous. The feeling of having no senses, makes me dread being awake. The window poured cold air into my small room and I rolled over, covering myself with my think duvet. Moonlight poured into my room, as the baby blue curtains were left slightly ajar. I feel a presence near me, something lurking in the shadows. The figure walked closer to me, a silver knife gleaming as the moonlight ricocheted off of the object. As the person walked closer, the face appeared.

It was Rick.

I walked right up to the side of the bed and I frantically tried to scoot away, fisting the sheets in my hands to drag my body away. He lifts the knife up in the air, ready to plunge it into my chest.

I scream loudly and open my eyes, hands over my rapidly beating heart. Cass and Luke rush into the room beside me, Cassidy hugging me as I sit up. Cold tears mold onto my heated cheeks. Luke is gently smoothing his fingers over my thighs.

I had these same nightmares in the hospital, the two weeks I stayed there after what happened with him. It hurt to think about it, and it just recalled memories that I tried to banish from existence. However, they kept coming back.

They brought me pain, remembering how the gun was cold by my ribs and the ominous sound of the gun cocking. I had to somehow forget it.


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-tina xo

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