A, as in annoyance

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So a friend of mine off of wattpad dared me to do this, a transformers drabble for each letter of the alphabet. Future ones will probably have some ocs, but I don't know. I will say who's perspective it is in and when/where it takes place before each one, okay, now that that's all out of the way lets get started.

Tfp, ratchet's pov
Normal day at the base

A, as in annoyance

I growled quietly as Miko struck another chord on her electric guitar. Whatever bot (or person) finds this even slightly pleasant must be scrambled in the processor.

Another screech that had a suspicious similarity to a cat getting stuffed into a vacuum cleaner, and I clenched my servo into a fist.

(Insert sound of a choking blue whale here)

I slammed my fist on the keyboard, "MIKO!!!!! YOU HAVE TILL THE COUNT OF THREE TO GET THAT PRIMUS FORBIDDEN THING OUT OF HERE BEFORE I SEND IT TO THE ARCTIC, AND YOU WITH IT!!!!!" By the end of my rant everyone was standing still, looking at me like I told them I was a deception spy. That is everyone but Miko.

"BWAH, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!!" She cackled, "you couldn't take away my guitar if you tried!!!" I felt my optic twitch.

Bulkhead stepped in hurriedly, "Miko, why don't we leave Ratchet alone and...uh...go dune bashing...."

"Bulkhead," I growled, "I am perfectly capable of handling this."

"I know Ratch, but..."

A whistling sound followed by a loud clang and crash found Bulkhead lying on the floor out cold.

I calmly walked over, ignoring the stairs, and picked up my wrench. "That, was strike one" I said as I went back to my computer. I smiled ever so slightly when I saw Miko packing up her demon guitar.


it seemed so much longer while I was writing it. XD

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