Her Wizard (Final)

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He had felt her. He had heard the slap. She was real.

"Why....How... What have you done?" He stammered out. "Dear witch, what have you done?"

"I know what I have done." She said sitting next to him, she sighed "Draco told me about this place and its curse."

"What?" He growled, his low baritone voice causing a shiver down her spine. "Did that git tell you that you can never leave? Did he tell you that you are now stuck with me. Forever."

"I can think of worse places, and worse people to forever be stuck with." She said with a smile.

"Miss Granger, I feel that my Godson has sold you on some romantic fairy-tale." He sighed "I do not deserve to be saved."

"I feel you are wrong." She simply said. "I am hear to prove to you that you are. You are loved sir. We will walk out together."

"You can try." Was all Snape could say.

"As you aptly put Sir. I am a know it all, and I know we will." She said resting her had on his shoulder.

"Accio pensive"


For the next part it will be memories.
(Snape)=meaning only he sees
(Both)= obviously both see

After each memory that person will send a message to Snape the will be written with 'single quote marks'.

-----Harry's Memory---------


"Hermione just because he saved us once, does not mean he is not a Death Eater!" Harry moaned. "He hated my father and he hates me. Every where we go he is lurking."

"He is lurking because YOU can't help but lurk yourself." Hermione fought back. "He used HIS body to get between us and Lupin. Who might I remind you was in his werewolf form at the time."

"Fine." Harry snapped. "Doesn't mean he is a good guy."

"Fine." Hermione said

Memory fades........

'Professor Snape. As you can see from my memory Hermione has defended you sense 3rd year. She cares for you and even to this day defends you'

-----Harry memory done-------

As Snape removes his head from the pensive he looks at Hermione with a questions in his eyes.

"3rd year?" He asks.

"Yes. You have had my attention sense then." She answers back. "I will answer all of your questions when you have seen all of the memories. Then you can see mine."

"Well lets get on with it then." Snape said waiting for the next memory.

--------Ron's Memory---------

"He is a bloody wanker!" Yelled Ron. "He killed Dumbledore, he is allowing the school to be run by Death Eaters. How can you stick up for him Hermione?"

"Because I know there is something else." He answered quietly but with a sense of boldness. "There is more to the story. You both have always been quick to judge, I know there is more to this."

Memory fades......

'Sir, I still think your a git. But I must admit she has been right about you every step of the way. She has always had faith in you. Even when nobody else did.'

------Ginny's Memory---------

"What?" Ginny laughed. "How many have you had Hermione?"

"Just 2 shots Ginny. And yes, I would love to see what that man is hiding under all of those clothes." Blushed Hermione "Such a dark and sexy mystery that I want to solve and discover."

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