I don't want to loose her. Not like this!

Start from the beginning

Ayato: Finally your awake.

I looked back at him.

Yui: Can you go....?

Ayato: You can't tell me what to d-

Yui: Just go!!!!

It was silent between us. I just realized I yelled at him.

Yui: U-um.

Ayato: Fine.

I watched him walk away. I stared at the ground. I'm not suppose to feel sorry for him! What am I doing?! I walked to the kitchen. I decided to grab something to eat. I noticed that Subaru&Ayato were at the kitchen. Uhh!! I walked to the fridge.

Yui: Don't mind me.

Ayato: Didn't you tell me to go? How come your beside me all o a sudden?

Yui: I didn't come here for you! I came here cause I'm hungry! You Baka!

Subaru: I agree he is a Baka.

Ayato: What did you say!?

Subaru: None of your business.

"Subaru POV"
I stared at Ayato. I said...

Subaru: Ayato. Do you like anyone?

He stared at me.

Ayato: You probably know who.

"Yui POV"
It all makes sense now. No wonder he sees me as a sacrificial bride. Is because he always liked someone else. The moment I knew...I said the most ridiculous thing to ask...

Yui: Who do you like Ayato?

Why did I ask that!!!?!?? What's wrong with me!? He stared at me.

Ayato: If you want to know pancake. Ask Subaru. He probably knows.

I watched Ayato walk away. I decided to go back to my room. When I walked back to my room...I saw...Ruki.

Ruki: Hey Livestock.

Yui: R-Ruki kun!? What are you doing here!?

Ruki: I came here to ask you something.

Yui: Like what?

Ruki: Do you still like Ayato?

I looked at the ground. Why am I not answering? Come on Yui. Yui answer him!

Yui: U-um....I don't know...

I heard someone opened the door. I saw that it was Ayato.

Ayato: Oi! Ruki! What are you doing here!

Ruki: I don't think you need to know. If you want to know then ask her. Anyways I guess I must be going.

I watched Ruki walked away. Ayato stared at me serious.

Ayato: What did he say to you?

The Words That I needed To Hear The Most (Yui&Ayato)Where stories live. Discover now