Did you miss me?

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A/N:You can use this as background music if you'd like! <3

"Ayato POV"
I see that Yui is kissing Ruki on the grass.I looked at the ground and walked away.Dont cry.Yours truly does not cry.One tear fell down my cheek.I give up.Im going back to my mothers castle.Ill try to get over her.

"Ayato POV"
Right now I'm just sitting in the tower.When I sit here.It reminds me about my childhood.

"Weeks later....."

"Yui POV"
Right now I'm in the Mukami mansion.Im with Ruki.Why do I feel sad?For some reason I had a call from Laito?Hm?I answered it.


Laito:B-chan.Hey. ;)

Kanato:Give me the phone!Your not taking this seriously!Hey Yui San.Ayato is getting married with this other girl.And he's never gonna come back to the Sakamaki mansion.Can you bring him back?

Yui:No way!After what he did to me!

Subaru:Give me the phone!You don't understand.Hes always force to study by his mother.Dont you think he wanted to hang out with people?Well he couldn't cause he always study.

Laito:Ayato,Me,Kanato hated are mother.

Kanato:Please make him come back.Right teddy?Ayato is near the tower.Hes about to drive with his bride.


"Yui POV"
I ended the call.I was running to the door.But Ruki blocked me.

Ruki:Wear do you think your going?

Yui:Please!Let me through.

Ruki:I see.You can go through.You didn't actually liked me right?Go.Go to Ayato.

Yui:Ruki kun.

"Yui POV"
I hugged Ruki.I said,"Thank you.Im sorry." I took my necklace and put it on.I ran.I ran to the tower.I see Ayato&the girl already leaving.Their already driving.I see that theirs a carriage with horses.I got on the carriage.I tried to catch up to Ayato.I screamed and said,"Ayato!!!"

"Ayato POV"
I see pancake driving a carriage.I said,"Stop the carriage!!You don't know how to drive that thing pancake!!"

"Yui POV"
I said,"Please come back!!I know you always study cause your forced by your mother!Im sorry I was mean to you while we were young!I never thought about how you felt all your life!Of course you wanted to hang out with others!But that didn't happen!I couldn't accept the fact that your a vampire!Im sorry!But.Everyone wants you back!Dont leave the Sakamaki mansion!" I offered one of my hands to him.I said,"I also want you back."

"Ayato POV"
I looked at her.Should I go?Or no.I offered my hand but the girl held me.

"Yui POV"
I couldn't control the carriage.I fell on the ground.I watched them drive away.I cried.I didn't make it.I was to late.He decided to leave.Dont go...

"Yui POV"
I walked back to the Sakamaki mansion.I said,"I didn't make it.Gomai guys..." I see that the triplets were sad.I walked upstairs.I was at the balcony.Huh?I lost my necklace!I left it their didn't I?Someone touched my shoulder.I turned around.

Ayato:Hey pancake.You forgot this.

"Ayato POV"
I gave her necklace back.I smiled at her.I said,"Did you miss me?" I see her crying.I said,"Oi!Pancake!Dont cry infront of yours truly!"

"Yui POV"
I said,"It's tears of joys theirs a difference!Im just so happy you came back."

"Ayato POV"
I smiled at her.I said,"Pancake.Your so emotional." I hugged her.

"Yui POV"
I stopped crying.I said,"I love you."

"Ayato POV"
I said,"Me too."

(To be continued.....)

The Words That I needed To Hear The Most (Yui&Ayato)Where stories live. Discover now