Drunk in love (Ayato&Yui)

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"Yui POV"
So me and Ayato were at the room.I got a bandage and some other stuff to fix his ancle.For some reason Ayato pinned me on the bed.

"Ayato POV"
I said,"Are you ready?"

"Yui POV"
I was shocked.I said,"Stop pinning me in the bed!" I pushed him.I said,"W-what do you mean are you ready?"

"Ayato POV"
I said,"Idiot.We have a party today.A Sakamaki party."

"Yui POV"
For some reason Ayato dragged me downstairs to the mansion.And I see ALOT of girls and boys and random people that I don't even know!I said,"Ayato?How come theirs so much people!Who invited these people!"

"Ayato POV"
I said,"How am I suppose to know pancake!Someone explain this to me!"

Laito:I invited people to are party. ;)

Kou:Me too!Im an idol of course!So I had to bring my fans!Lets party!

"Ayato POV"
I said,"This is a disgrace!Way to go Laito and Kou!"

Kou:Come on Ayato!Have some fun with us!

Laito:Yah Ayato!Theirs a lot of cute girls. ;) come on.

"They dragged Ayato"

"Yui POV"
I see Kou&Laito dragged Ayato.I see them drinking.Uhh. -_- I see one of my friends.She gave me a drink.I said,"What drink is this?"

Friend:Oh it's just punch I think?Anyways!Bye!

"Yui POV"
Should I drink it?Its just punch isn't it.But she seemed that she wasn't sure.I drinked it anyways.Why am I so dizzy?Is this drink what I think this is...I see a guy infront of me.I said,"Well hello handsome. ;) "

"Ayato POV"
I see Yui about to kiss a guy.I grabbed her,"Hey cutie. ;) " I kissed her cheek.Me and her were at the pool.I pinned her at the side of the pool.I said,"Wanna have some fun? ;)"

"Yui POV"
I smirked.I said,"Yes please." He kissed my neck.


Kou:Laito come here!What is m-neko kitten and Ayato doing at the pool.

Laito:Are they kissing?

Kanato&Azusa:Their drunk.

Kanato:Hey stop copying me!

Azusa:Will you hit me? :)

Kanato:Damn right I will!

Kou:Woah woah!Stop fighting you 2!You guys wanna come and spy on them?

Laito:I'll come. ;) but I think we gave Ayato to much drink.

Kou:He's the one who liked the drink!😅

Laito:Cause you told him it was chocolate milk!

Kou:His fault for falling for it!😜

Laito:True.Come on let's spy.

The Words That I needed To Hear The Most (Yui&Ayato)Where stories live. Discover now