~I simply have to face tomorrow~

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A/n:Hey guys!I finally updated this book!Hope you enjoy!! <3

"Yui POV"
I'm just walking around the Sakamaki mansion.I smell someone cooking?Who's cooking??I walked to the kitchen and I see him cooking.I said,"Hey Ayato.Remember I cooked you that food while we were at school?Do you need help?You burnt it."

"Ayato POV"
I stared at her.I said,"The last thing I need is a lecture from you pancake.Im fine.Yours truly can cook this.I have a cooking book." I continued cooking.I want to make this for her.I don't want her to help me.I want to make something for pancake.

"Yui POV"
That's weird?Usually I cook that for him?Does he think I'm no use?Oh well.If he wants to cook,then he can cook.I said,"Um?Ayato kun?Im gonna go to the Mukami mansion okay?"

Ayato:Woah woah woah!Pancake!You better have a good explanation for this!

Yui:Okay then! 1.I have to apologize to Ruki! 2.I need fresh air for once!

Ayato:Well I'm going with you then!

Yui:Well okay then?Oh and by the way,you burnt the food again.

Ayato:Tsk. (-_-*)

"Ayato POV"
Me and pancake went inside the car.I drive the car.And all of a sudden someone burned the car.I didn't want Pancake to get burnt.So I saved her.I said,"Oi!Are you okay!?" She said yes.I looked at the mountain.I see someone up there.I recognized that person.I yelled at the person and said,"Oi!Ruki!What was that for!?"

"Yui POV"
I see Ruki staring at me.Ruki said,"I'm coming for you..." Then he disappeared.Me and Ayato walked back to the mansion.Ayato said he had to go somewhere.So I was just in my room laying on my bed.

"Ayato POV"
Right now I'm in my room just thinking about what happened earlier.Uhhh!That bookworm Ruki!Why did he had to burn the car on fire!Man he annoys me so much!!I stared at the window and see.....Ruki.Oh no.I ran straight to pancakes room.

"Yui POV"
I was just laying on my bed chilling.But suddenly....someone opened the door.It was Ruki.I said,"R-Ruki kun!?" He carried me bridal style.

Ruki:Your coming with me Eve.

Yui:No!Get off me!

"Yui POV"
I tried to escape.But I couldn't do it.Then Ayato came in my room.

Ayato:Ruki!Let go of her!She belongs to me!

Ruki:No she doesn't!

Yui:What do you mean?

Ruki:You don't get it do you?Ayato does care about you and all.And you guys got married right?Well that's how you mortals see it.You see that Ayato is your husband correct?Well your wrong.How we vampires see it that your a sacrificial bride to us.

Ruki: "Whoever is able to awaken the sacrificial bride will become the head of the family." Since he has awaken your heart because you love him that much.He will become the head of the family.

Ruki:Even ask him.Does he see you as a wife?Or does he see you as a sacrificial bride?

Yui:A-Ayato?Is that true?


Ruki: See.He won't answer.He was using you all this time.

Yui:N-no!I-it can't be!A-Ayato?

Ayato: 9546


"Yui POV"
I watched Ayato walked away.Why?Ruki took me and dragged me to the mukami mansion.I said,"Why do you want me to live with you guys!?Please tell me!"

Ruki: We need the blood of eve for this plan.We cannot fail him.

"Yui POV"
Ruki showed me where my room is.I was all alone in my room.I opened the door.I guess it's not locked.I tried to escape.I was running in the hallways.I see a door that has a lot of locks on it.What's in there?I see that there's a code on the lock.I see numbers.What could it be?I was thinking.Wait!I remember Ayato saying numbers earlier!What did he say again?He said,"9546" I clicked those numbers on the lock.The door opened!I walked in the room.Its empty.Why is this room so important then?There's nothing in here.I see one book on the table.Is this a diary?Who's diary is this?I shouldn't probably read someone's diary.But then why would the door be locked?It must be important!I read the diary and it says...."I hate studying every single day!I hate it!I just want to play with my brothers Laito and Kanato.But today I had fun a bit.It was night and I sat near the tree.Someone walked up to me.We chatted.He said his name was Ruki.He seems like a really nice guy to hang out with.I mean he's okay.The next day I tried to find him but I couldn't find him.I walked back in my castle laying in my room.Why does my mother say I have to become the head of the family?I don't want too!Why can't I escape?When I move forward and study,I become even more lost.How much farther do I have to follow this endless path.Before I meet somebody like a light that cares and understands me.No matter where I am or what I'm thinking.I simply have to face tomorrow.I left my diary near the tree where I first met Ruki.I hope someone finds it. ~by:Ayato."

"Yui POV"
I finished reading the diary.I never new Ruki&Ayato met each other when they were young.Is this how Ayato feels?He has been struggling so much.

"Ruki POV"
I see that the door is unlocked.Uhhh.Why does Eve never listen?I opened the door and sees eve reading the diary.I said,"You could've went to any room but you had to pick this one?Well since you already read the diary.Do you get how he feels?Do you get how he had been struggling all his life?I want him to see you as a sacrificial bride.When he was young he has been studying everyday.I want him to become the head of the family.He has worked so hard.I don't want him to waste it.I took you to the mukami mansion because we need the blood of eve for the plan and I need you to understand that he sees you as a sacrificial bride.Not a wife."

Yui: Y-you don't know that!He hasn't admit it!I will be the one that can take care of him!

Ruki: He doesn't need to be protected by a mortal like you.He's a vampire that can't die that easily.I know cause I'm his friend when we were young.

Yui: What I meant was...I will be the one to make him happy everyday!He has been struggling every single day.He even said that he hated studying in is diary.No matter where he is or what he is thinking,he simply has to face tomorrow!

Yui: Ruki kun.You think you know more about him then I do.But really....I know more than you!

"Yui POV"
I ran away.I escaped the mukami mansion.I tried to find Ayato.Where could he be!?Come on Yui!Think!Oh I know!He would be at the lake!I ran to to the lake.It was night and the moon was glistening.I see Ayato sitting near the tree staring at the lake.I hid behind a tree.I tried to peek and see what he is doing.I looked at his expression on his face.Why?His expression on his face are so sad.I yelled and said,"Ayato kun!" I walked up to him.He stared at me.

"Ayato POV"
Why is pancake crying again?I said,"Stop crying.Its annoying."

Yui: Sorry.Its just.You looked so sad.

Ayato: So?Who cares if I'm sad.Iv'e struggled more than any vampire.Nobody cares about each other anymore.You know how I used to bite your blood a lot.

Ayato: I don't let people see I'm struggling.I just act like my usual self.

Yui: Are you okay?

Ayato: What do you mean?

Yui: Are you sure your not pushing yourself too hard?

Ayato: I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore pancake.

Ayato: I will meet my mothers expectations.I will become the head of the family.And improve the Sakamaki name.Thats why I study everyday.I don't have a shred of doubt.Even though I do struggle everyday it's called life.So I'll give you an answer if I see you as a wife or a sacrificial bride.

Ayato: I see you as a sacrificial bride.

"Yui POV"
I watched him walk away.Tears were flowing down my face.If I don't say anything right now.T-this might be the last time I'll ever see him.I said,"Even though you see me as a sacrificial bride.I-I still love you!"

(To be continued....)

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