Chapter 20

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Sorry for the short chapter! Also, thank you all so much for over 8k reads on the first book and almost 3k on this one! 


"I couldn't protect the one person I love."

"Kageyama..." Hinata muttered softly. "Stop. You're just a human being. Nobody could've prevented something like that."

"I should've been able to," Kageyama said, glancing at the scar along Hinata's eye. He began to tear up the minute he saw the wound.

"Kageyama, you're always beating yourself up. Stop being so hard on yourself," Hinata said as he raised up slightly. He winced in pain, but quickly tried to cover it up. His entire body ached and every time he moved just slightly it hurt like hell. "You saved me. That's what matters."

"But I didn't save you! You're in the hospital in critical condition..." Kageyama trailed off. "Don't think I didn't notice how you just winced when you raised up. And it's all my fault. You could die!"

"Kageyama, please listen," Hinata pleaded, glancing up to meet Kageyama's dark blue eyes. "I'm going to survive."


"Kageyama... can you explain everything to me?" Hinata's mother asked as they sat down in a small café right outside of the hospital. Kageyama could tell she was trying extremely hard to keep calm.

Kageyama explained the entire situation to her slowly, glancing around every once in a while to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. Once he was finally done explaining, he waited for Hinata's mother to comprehend his story.

"You think he's going to be okay, right?" she asked, tears threatening to fall. She'd already visited Hinata at least five times in the hospital, checking up on him to make sure he was all right every few hours.

"He promised that he'd be okay. And I don't think either of us will break any more promises."

"I hope so," she said, trying to smile just a little. She couldn't.

"It's all my fault. How can you still allow me to be near your son? All I do is put him in danger," Kageyama sighed sadly, staring at the food on his plate that he'd barely touched.

"Even if that was true, which it isn't," she said, "you make Hinata happy. Sure, he's always been happy with volleyball and his friends... but you're different. I've never seen him as happy as he is now."

Kageyama looked up, meeting her gaze. She smiled back at him for the first time that day.

"Now, I want you to go back one more time tonight," she decided for him. "I need to make sure Natsu is okay."

Kageyama nodded and quickly finished his food. After splitting paths, he headed back towards the hospital and went straight to Hinata's room. Kageyama opened the door and quietly walked in. Hinata was fast asleep.

He walked over silently and sat down on the chair right by his bed. Kageyama unwillingly glanced again at the scar across Hinata's face.

He ran his hand gently through Hinata's messy orange hair with a saddened expression on his face. "I'm so, so sorry," he muttered, his voice barely audible.


"How is he doing?"

The doctor took a deep breath before delivering the news. "He's not doing well at the moment."

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