Chapter 6

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I'm sorry this chapter is pretty awful! I'll try to make the next one longer (and hopefully better) to make up for it. 


Oikawa chuckled as he watched his rival aim his rifle at a man wearing a white coat. "A doctor..?" he muttered under his breath as he observed intently.

He watched as Kageyama shot a single bullet, piercing the man's skull. His body fell to the ground as Kageyama had already started to pack up his rifle.

Oikawa clicked his tongue. "I hate to admit it, but his aim is so precise it scares me..."


"Hinata, wake up," Kageyama said, yawning as he raised up.

"Kageyama," Hinata groaned, attempting to pull Kageyama back into the bed.

Kageyama chuckled. "We have to get up. It's time for breakfast."

"But I'm tired."

"Stop being lazy," Kageyama scolded with a laugh. He got out of the bed and took a quick shower, knowing that Hinata wouldn't care because he wouldn't even be out of bed yet. He changed into some of his spare clothes and walked out. Of course, Hinata hadn't moved and had instead gone back to sleep.

Kageyama sat down beside him on the bed and leaned down. He brushed Hinata's hair out of his face and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"You better get out of bed or I refuse to kiss you all day. Maybe even all weekend," Kageyama threatened.

Hinata immediately jumped out of bed. "You wouldn't do that," Hinata said, slightly unsure.

"Oh really? Want to find out?"

"No!" he said, running to get ready for the day.

Kageyama chuckled. "I'm going to head downstairs, okay?"

"Okay!" Hinata said through the bathroom door. "I'm gonna get a shower first!"

"Okay," Kageyama replied, heading downstairs. "Good morning," Kageyama said as he entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Kageyama," Hinata's mother said with a large smile.

"Good morning!" Natsu shouted.

"Is Hinata up yet?" his mother asked.

"Yeah, he's just getting a quick shower first."

"Ah, I see. Where would you like to go for breakfast?"

"The diner!" Natsu chimed in.

"I agree," Kageyama replied. "If that's all right with you, of course."

"Of course! We just have to wait on Hinata."

Hinata finally came downstairs a few minutes later and they headed off towards their favorite diner. They sat down and ordered, and their food came out a little while later.

As they were eating, Kageyama felt his phone buzz in his pocket, which was incredibly rare since he didn't really talk to anyone except Hinata. He quickly checked to see what it was.

From: Unknown Number

To: Kageyama Tobio

I'm coming to town for a job! Maybe we can meet sometime.

Kageyama immediately knew exactly who it was. Oikawa Tooru was again trying to mess with him.

Why can't he leave me alone?

Kageyama put his phone away and continued to eat. No matter what, he would not allow Oikawa to even get near Hinata. Oikawa was his rival anyways. His problem.


Kageyama and Hinata of course spent the entire day together as usual, going into town and wandering around and going to see a movie. When it was starting to get late, Kageyama took Hinata to the same hill they had confessed to each other on.

"Hey, Kageyama, why're we here?"

"To watch the sunset, of course," Kageyama said like it was obvious, although it kind of was. He sat down on the grass and waited for Hinata to sit down beside him.

After a while of staring at the setting sun, Hinata started to speak.

"Hey, Kageyama? You only kill people that other people want gone, right? Like your manager talks with people who want to eliminate someone else? And then you take the job, right?"

Kageyama nodded, although he didn't really get where Hinata was going.

"Then there was someone who wanted my father gone..." he trailed off.

Kageyama blinked in surprise, but Hinata was entirely correct. Someone had to have wanted his father gone. He could ask his manager, although he knew that his manager would never give out a client's information. Who would want a boy's father gone, even if they knew he was abusive? Maybe it was for a different reason?

Kageyama's mind was all over the place. He had tons of questions that he wanted answers to.

"You're right," Kageyama finally replied to Hinata's statement.

"Who would've wanted my father gone, Kageyama?" 

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