Chapter 2

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"I should tell you something. Something about my past."

"Like what?" Hinata asked curiously.

"Well... during my training to become an assassin, I had a partner. His name was Oikawa Tooru. We also had the same manager. But eventually, Oikawa left and disappeared into thin air. My manager never saw him again, and neither did I. Until my last mission. That's why I was late. We got into a fight, you could say."

"Eh?! What happened? Did you get hurt?"

"No, don't worry, I'm okay. But now that we've met again, it's possible he'll come here to try to challenge me to see who's the better assassin."

"Eh?!" Hinata exclaimed, not knowing another way to react. "Like... fight you?!"


"To the death?!"

"Uh-" Kageyama scratched his head nervously. "Most likely. But I don't think I could kill him, and I don't think he can kill me. Not easily, at least."

"S-so you're not as strong as him?! But you're an awesome assas–" Kageyama had to cover Hinata's mouth before he blurted Kageyama's secret.

"Shh!" Kageyama scolded.

Hinata nodded, and Kageyama released his hand from his mouth.

"Yeah, but he's better. He's probably been on five times as many missions as I have in the past few years."

"So... what's gonna happen..?"

"Nothing, for now. But," Kageyama smiled, "I'm not going to let him do anything to you."

Hinata smiled back and giggled. By then, they were at school, so they headed inside.


"Kageyama, let's study at my house! I need help with math."

"You always need help with math."

"S-shut up," Hinata said, embarrassed.

"Yeah, okay."

"Really?! Yay!" Hinata said happily.

They walked home together in silence, but it wasn't awkward. Finally, Hinata broke the silence by asking, "so what's Oikawa like?"

Kageyama stopped. It took him a moment before he even understood the question properly. "Oh, well... we used to be a really good team, but not anymore. Not since he left. He's always been really arrogant, but now it seems like he actually has some experience to back it up..."

"So he's like, really good?"

Because Kageyama really hating admitting that his rival was better, it took him a while before he could say, "y-yeah..."

"You don't wanna admit he's better, do you?" Hinata grinned.

"S-shut up!" Kageyama snapped back.

Hinata grinned. "Don't worry, Kageyama! I'm sure you can stand up to him."

Surprised, Kageyama looked down at the smaller boy. He was smiling brightly as usual, making Kageyama smile as well.

They came up to Hinata's home after another few minutes of walking. They headed upstairs and into Hinata's room.

Hinata took his math textbook out of his bag and grabbed a pencil. "Kageyama, how do you do this problem?" Hinata asked.

Kageyama explained the problems to Hinata one at a time until he finally seemed to somewhat understand. When they were finally done, it was already dark out.

"I should probably head home," Kageyama said.

"Aw," Hinata frowned. "Okay..."

Kageyama leaned down, placing soft kisses on Hinata's forehead. He moved down to Hinata's cheeks before finally moving down to his lips. Kageyama pulled back and smiled.

"You should always smile like that, Kageyama," Hinata said, smiling brightly as always.

Kageyama blinked in surprise, but he couldn't help but smile.

"You're the reason I can smile again."

An Assassin's Rival (Haikyuu Assassin AU)Where stories live. Discover now