Chapter 12

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Thank you all so much for 1k reads! It really does mean a lot to me. And of course, I hope you enjoy this chapter! 


"Kuroo's back."

Hinata, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa all turned their heads towards the door. Kageyama reached for a pocket gun he'd been keeping in his back pocket. Oikawa came up next to him, a similar gun in hand.

"Good to see you again," Kuroo said as he entered the room. "Oh, you brought company! Long time no see, Kageyama. And who's this?" he asked, glancing at Hinata.

He stepped forward towards Hinata, causing Kageyama to raise his gun.

"Woah, no need for that," he chuckled as he walked to the sofa. "Sit down. Let's talk."

Kageyama and Oikawa exchanged skeptical glances, but took a seat next to their boyfriends on a couch across from Kuroo.

"So you brought Kageyama along? I thought you guys hated each other after you left," he said to Oikawa.

"I asked him to help me rescue Iwa-chan."

Kuroo smirked. "And you agreed? Why?" he asked, turning to Kageyama.

"Isn't it more important why you took Iwaizumi in the first place?" Kageyama retorted.

He laughed. "I wanted to talk to Oikawa."

"That's not the only reason," Kageyama snapped. "You were already at his hotel. You could've just waited for him."

"You got me," he smirked. "I was trying to test him. I wanted to partner up with him for a large mission. So, I was testing his skills. But it seemed you came along too. And him," Kuroo said, nodding towards Hinata. "Who is he? Another assassin that I've never heard of?"

"No," Kageyama retorted.

"Then who is he?"

"He's my boyfriend."

Kuroo's eyes widened, but he chuckled after a while. "Well then. I'm not exactly sure why you brought him along, but I don't really care," he shrugged. "Would you two like to help me with my newest mission?"

"What's in it for us?" Oikawa asked.

"Money, of course. And lots of it. Even though you ruined my reputation for a while, I managed to get it back," Kuroo said, glaring at Oikawa with cold eyes.

"Why would we help, anyways?"

"The money, mostly. The mission isn't just one guy. It's an entire group of drug dealers. They've been causing trouble all over Tokyo. Three well-known assassins teaming up to take out a large enemy? Think about it. I'm sure it'd help your reputations," he commented. "The King, the Grand King, and the Black Cat all working together to take out a group nobody else could."

Kageyama and Oikawa exchanged glances again, both giving each other looks of suspicion.

"Can't you do it yourself?"

"If I could, I would've done it already. Why do you think I went to all this trouble to talk to Oikawa?" he asked. "My client is asking a lot of me."

Both assassins frowned.

"Well?" Kageyama asked Oikawa.

"I guess... When's the deadline?" Oikawa asked.

"A month from now."

Kageyama glanced over at Oikawa and he nodded in return. Kageyama took that as a sign to accept Kuroo's offer, so he did.

"Great. How do you want to start?" Kuroo asked, smirking.

"I can research them back at home," Kageyama said. "Hinata and I have to go home, though."

"And you?"

"I'd like to return home too. Iwa-chan needs to go home, but I can probably come back."

"Hey," Iwaizumi snapped at Oikawa. "Since when do I not want you around?" he asked, a slight blush present on his face.

Oikawa blinked in surprise. "Really? You want me around?" he asked, his face lighting up with happiness.

"We're boyfriends, you idiot," Iwaizumi stated as he snorted and turned his head away.

"You've both gone soft," Kuroo said, staring at them with eyes full of hate. "How far the mighty have fallen," he scowled.

Kageyama and Oikawa both glared back at him.

"If you don't want our help, we'd be happy to leave right now," Oikawa said.

"No, no. I need your help," he sighed after a while. "Fine. You two research and I'll contact you when we can start the actual mission. You two can at least spend a night to take them out, I hope?"

Both nodded.

Kuroo smirked. "Good. Then I'll see you then. Now get out of my house before I change my mind."

The four got up and exited the room with Kuroo following close behind to make sure they didn't try anything.

"Kageyama... are you sure this is a good idea? He doesn't seem very... trustworthy," Hinata whispered.

"You're right, he isn't. But he only lies when there's a good reason. I hope," Kageyama whispered back.

The four finally left the house and started heading towards the train station.

"I don't trust him," Iwaizumi stated casually.

Oikawa shook his head. "He's definitely not the most trustworthy person on the planet, but I don't think he would do anything. He was just upset that Kageyama and I used to be the type that never got attached to anyone. We barely even talked to anyone besides our manager."

"Why does he care?"

"I know I was upset when I found out Kageyama had gotten attached to Hinata," Oikawa said. "I don't know... I guess it's because we broke that rule we'd followed for so long so easily. Maybe it's some weird kind of jealousy."

They all walked back and eventually headed their separate ways.


"Kageyama, how do you research your targets?" Hinata asked innocently as they walked down the sidewalk towards Hinata's house.

"Well, it's not very hard for me to find information about people. If you know where to look, the internet will tell you whatever you need to know," he replied.

"Hmm," Hinata said as he thought. "Wait. Does that mean you have to go back to your apartment tonight?"

"It shouldn't take me too long to find what I need. Maybe a few hours. I can either go home and do it tonight or I can do it tomorrow."

"It's already late, so let's have a sleepover tonight!" Hinata decided as he opened his front door with his house key. He entered his home with a big smile on his face.

Kageyama chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Hinata asked with a pout.

"You're too cute," Kageyama smiled. He leaned down until he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. They separated a few seconds later. Both had huge smiles on their faces.


"Iwa-chan, we're finally back home!" Oikawa said as he slammed his door open.

"I don't live here, idiot," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"So? Then let's have a sleepover tonight!"

Iwaizumi scowled, but he followed Oikawa inside anyways.

"See? You can't resist me," Oikawa smirked.

"Shut up," Iwaizumi snapped as he grabbed Oikawa's shirt collar. He pulled him down and placed his lips on Oikawa's.

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