Que femme

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I put the knife in the elastic of my stockings and put the gun inside my purse. I had to finish this thing once and for all. No one messes with me.

I wear my Jimmy Choo's and give a final touch to my red lipstick. The fire in my eyes was visible from the mirror. I have a feeling that tonight is going to be one of those annoying nights, but still... At least the others can learn a lesson.

As I get outside the hotel where I was staying I get inside a taxi to get to the bar.


The music was loud and you could see people wasted, dancing or trying to flirt.

I sit in the bar counter where the person I had to do business with was already waiting. He had ordered a whiskey and was wearing a cheap suit. Some people just try to look classy so bad, even when they are complete amators. I knew nothing beneficial was for me here, but I would see...

"Can I order you something?"-the man says. He was looking at my face and then my body like I was some toy he wanted to play with. So stupid. Poor men! They always think that they can win, but their hormones betray them. Well, the hormones and plenty of other things...

"Not now."-I simply say and then continue:"My payment."

He then takes out an envelope and hands it to me.

I didn't have to take a look inside to know that I was disappointed.
"This isn't the payment I asked."-I say to him.

He looks at me and says:"Well you made quite a mess in there and my men had to clean everything."

I realized that what I had to do couldn't be done here so I look at him in a seducing way.

"You know we can't discuss business in a place like this. How about we go somewhere more fun and quiet?"-I say as I run my hand in his thigh.

He seemed like he was pleased by my reaction so he smiles and agrees.

We get up from the chairs and get to the back of the bar. All the time I felt his eyes of my body. He was a total idiot and I definitely felt disgusted by men like this.

He opens the door of the room and I walk in.

"So where were we?"-he says trying to get close to me, but I stop him.

"We were talking about my rightful payment."-I coldly say.

"I told you, you made a mess so the prize is reduced."

He is trying to fool me. Like that is going to work.

"There were six men against one woman. Maybe next time you should get a better information before sending people to do your dirty work"-I say and this time he wasn't pleased with my response.

"Take this and leave."-he says and throws the money in my face. Oh no, now he shouldn't have done that!

"You don't tell me what to do."-I say maintaining my calm self.

"You are a female. The only things you are good for is cleaning and pleasing."-he says and now I was mad. Really mad.

I smack him and then kick him in the stomach. I hear him yell in pain.

"You little..."-he says, but stops when he sees me pulling out my gun.

"A, aa! The problem with you men is that there is not just one problem, but what you just said is what I hate most."-I say as I move the pistol from his chest down to his stomach.-"You see, a man that doesn't value a female doesn't deserve his balls."-I say and shoot at his testicles.

He cries in pain and I just stay there watching him whimper.

"... But then again a man without balls doesn't deserve to live."-I say and I shoot him in the forehead.

His lifeless body lays in the floor and there is blood everywhere. I leave his money there.
"Keep the change bastard."

After that I leave the room. Wasn't planning on getting my shoes dirty.

I get out of the club and go back to my hotel a little bit disappointed, but not surprised.
Tomorrow I have to make a new deal with some powerful people and it's is clear to say that I can't wait.

I open my eyes suitcase where I had my money. I lay on my bed and throw it, pleasure taking over me. This was all I ever wanted, all I ever needed. My reason for existence.. Something that is never going to change...

First chapter guys! What do you think? There will be plenty of action in this book as you can see.
Lot's of love badgal 💋💋
(And if you come from Donna d'onore I love you even more because you have been here from the start).....

Femme fatale in the Devil's territory Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu