Sneak Peek at "Hold Me Tight ~ Sophie's Story"

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Hold Me Tight

Sophie’s Story


                I’ve always hated decisions. When I was little, I used to cry when we went out for ice cream because I couldn’t decide which flavour I wanted. Even if it was just between chocolate and vanilla, there was no soothing me. Now I was facing a choice no one my age should have to face.

Sitting on my bed, crossed legged and pale, I stared down at the calendar. It couldn’t be right. It just couldn’t. There was no way my calculations were correct, even after getting straight A’s in math my entire life. This wasn’t the kind of thing that happened to people my age. Fighting back tears, I took a deep breathe and did the math again, counting back from today to the end of summer vacation; I had spent the day with Cole at a cabin with our friends, but we stayed an extra night. Just us.

It was time to face reality. If I was right –and I prayed I wasn’t- then the first thing I should do was tell someone. I thought of my parent’s and cringed; they would not be pleased. No, I should tell Cole first. He deserves to know, before anyone else even. That’s just what I need to do.

Taking one last look at the calendar, I swallowed my fear and threw the rest of my birth control pills in the trash.

A/N: o to my profile for the rest of Sophie's story!

Love always,


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