A Not-So-Little Problem

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Cassie P.O.V

                As I closed up the store for the night, I watched Sophie walk away down the street, hood pulled up tight around her ears, long blonde hair blowing in the wind. She was like my little sister, and wondered why Cole hadn’t invited her over for supper. (I secretly wished that one day she actually would be my little sister)

“Cole? I’m making spaghetti!” I called, filling the pot with water and rooting around in the cupboard for the noodles. He was really quiet…I hoped he had left his bad mood at school.

“Cass?” I turned around to see Cole in the doorway, looking scared and very pale. “Can I talk to you?”

I straightened “Sure, is something wrong?” the look on my brother’s face answered my question. Something was really, really wrong. And he didn’t know how to tell me. “Spit it out Colton, the worst I can do is say no soccer game tonight.”

“Oh Cassie, I-we-” his face was crumbling, and I knew he was on the verge of tears.

“What’s wrong, Cole?” I was seriously worried now.

“Sophie and I, we-” and he couldn’t go on. Tears spilled freely as I led him to the couch, my heart beating a million miles a minuet. What was wrong with my brother?

“What’s wrong with Sophie, Cole? Did you break up, is that it?” he shook his head, just let me rub his back as he cried.

“Sophie-Sophie’s pre-pregnant.” He cried into my shoulder as I held him, blown away. How had this happened? I had given Cole ‘the talk’ when he started high school, and again when he started dating Sophie. I’d even given him condoms! Not that I’d known he was using them, but still…

“I’m sorry Cass, I’m so sorry…” Cole’s tears slowed and we looked at each other from opposite sides of the couch, similar thoughts running through out minds.

“Are you sure?” I finally asked, my voice sounding a lot more sure than I really was.

Cole nodded “Sophie took eight tests this afternoon, and she’s been…irregular.”

I sighed “Well Colton, this is some mess you’ve gotten yourself into.” His full name just slipped out, and I could see him flinch “But I suppose we better make the best of it. How’s Sophie?”

Cole’s shoulders slumped “Not to great, feeling low.”

“And probably scared out of her mind,” I said, scooting over and hugging Cole. “You probably are, too, am I right?” he nodded “Well buddy, we’re going to figure this out. Don’t worry.”

But I was.

                The next day was Saturday, and I had asked Cole to invite Sophie over. There was something we needed to do.

I asked Finn to look after the shop for the day, saying there was a family emergency. Breakfast was silent, and neither of us really ate. Cole was quiet as a mouse, but as soon as Sophie showed up, he smiled and hugged her tightly, for a long time.

“Oh Sophie,” I said “Come here honey.” She practically fell into my arms, sobbing. I bet it felt good for someone else to know. I led her to the couch, where I quickly gave her a cup of tea and let her cry between Cole and I.

“I’m guessing Ryan and Jean don’t know?” Ryan and Jean Phillips were Sophie’s parents, and very strict. They were nice people, and approved of Cole and me (for reasons I didn’t quiet understand, we weren’t exactly their style).

Sophie shook her head “I can’t bring myself to tell them, I’m just so scared.”

I frowned “I’m guessing you haven’t been able to keep anything down, either?” she shook her head, blonde hair falling in her face. I sighed “Well you two, it looks pretty bad. But your nausea might be from fright. To be absolutely sure you’re…pregnant, we have to see a doctor.”

“No!” Cole and Sophie shouted at the same time. “Everyone knows us in town,” said Cole.

“And would tell my parents,” Sophie whispered.

I smiled “Don’t worry, when your parents find out, it will be from you. I’ve thought of that; I’m taking you to the city.”

Cole and Sophie looked at each other and launched themselves at me at the same time. “Thank you, Cassie,” Sophie whispered.

“You’re the best sister ever, Cass.” Cole said, hugging me tightly.

I blushed “Come on,” I grabbed the car keys “We have a long drive ahead.”


                The ride into the city was only an hour, but it felt like forever as I tried to navigate the traffic to the doctor’s walk-in clinic. Cole and Sophie gripped each others hands so tightly, I had to remind them to let the blood flow.

I knew they were terrified, and I was, too. But someone had to be the adult, be strong and reassuring. I wish Jake were with us, he would know what to do.

“Ms. Phillips and Mr. St. Clair?” I asked if they wanted me to come along, but Cole just smiled.

“We got ourselves into this mess, I don’t want to drag you in.”

I smiled back “I am in, Cole, and I’m not leaving.”

I hugged them both, and watched them disappear through the doors.

Cole P.O.V

                Sophie clung to me as the doctor (thankfully female) helped her lie down on the chair thing and put cold goop on her stomach, turned on the monitor and moved the camera thingy around on her stomach.

“Ah there the wee thing is, amazing, isn’t it?” the doctor smiled and pointed to the screen, but I could see pity in her eyes. I wanted to slap her. Did she think we thought this was amazing?

Silent tears ran down Sophie’s cheeks as she squeezed my hand tightly, watching the thing on the screen that the doctor told us was our baby. Our baby.

“Could-could you ask my sister to come in, please?” I asked my voice catching.

“Of course,”

And then she was there, her hand on my shoulder as she wiped her own eyes. The doctor left, giving us some privacy. Sophie was staring at the screen, then down at her stomach, as if she couldn’t believe that there was a living thing growing in her body.

“What are we going to do?” I asked, tears running down my face as well. I bowed my head, Sophie and my foreheads touching. “What are we going to do?” I whispered again.

No one answered.

Cassie P.O.V

                By the time we dropped Sophie off at her house, I was ready to just fall asleep and forget about the whole day. But when we got home, I sat Cole at the table, the tea pot the only thing between us.

“Okay, Cole,” I said, sighing “I don’t want to talk about this, and I know you don’t. But we have to, and now is better than never.”

Cole nodded, staring down into his tea.

I softened “Listen, I know that this is not what we planned for your life, but we have to make the most of it. We have to think positively, and not forget that you love Sophie. Right?”


“And I know you’re not going to like this, but you and Sophie have to tell her parents.” Cole’s head jerked up “I know, its going to be hard. I can come with you, if you want. But you have to do it soon; Sophie’s going to start to show, and is going to have morning sickness. You can’t hide a pregnancy, Cole.”

Cole sighed “I know, and I think we’ll tell Mr. and Mrs. Phillips alone, but thanks Cassie. For everything.”

I smiled “Your welcome.”

When we went to bed, I cried. I cried because I had never wanted my parents more than I did today, when Cole needed them more than ever.

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