Getting By ~Prologue~

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There was never much I thought I could do about life. I always believed that everything had its reasons for happening, and it would all turn out right in the end. I doubted that wisdom for a while when I was nineteen, and driving to St. Joe’s hospital to learn my parents had been murdered, right in front of my brother-my ten year old brother.

Cole was petrified, and I was in hysterics over what to do. I had only just moved out a year ago, and surviving on a scholarship at U of T, studying to be a writer. Cole was only in grade five.

My parents had always told me that I was capable of anything I put my mind to, as long as my heart went along with it. And I had my heart and mind set to raising my brother just as well as any foster parents or relative. So I took my brother in, finished a two year course in one, sold our childhood home and moved into a new, smaller house, turning the bottom floor into my own bookstore.

I met Jake when I was twenty, and a year later we tried living together. That didn’t work. So now the deal is when Cole moves out, Jake moves in.

Now I’m 26, Cole’s seventeen and everything was going great-that is until Cole made one, teensy, tiny little mistake.

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