The Dark Angel ~ Black Butler Fanfic

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I remained by Ciels side as Sebastian approached the feisty redhead. I placed Sebastian's heavy coat over Madam Reds glazed over eyes and looked down at Ciel. He didn't seem traumatized at all from the outside, but he can mask his emotions with ease. He had all his family dye pretty much right in front of his eyes. The only one left his Elizabeth, and he is being forced to marry his only cousin, just because of noble blood. But I knew that he loved her anyways.

I looked down at Madam Reds body under the black coat. Her most hated color was now covered over her. She was very much like Ciel in some ways. Vengeful, hated, and headstrong when it came to something she wanted. Ciel stepped away from Madam Red and watched Sebastian approach Grell.

Sebastian reached in his butler coat and pulled out three silver knifes. So that's where they where disappearing to. All those little cakes and deserts they I had made for myself. And when I would reach for a knife or fork to eat it. They where always gone. I smiled to myself then snapped back to stern face when I thought about the body that just laid three feet in front of me.

" Be careful Sebastian." I muttered to myself.


" Be careful Sebastian." Clara said to herself. But little did she know that I actually heard her. I looked back at Grell and looked to where I could fatally injure him. In the chest or a slit across the throat would do. I charged him with the knifes and was blocked by the spinning dangerous blades if the saw. I jumped back from the attack.

" Oh Sebastian, even though Reapers and Demons don't get along... I still feel like there's a romance budding to become a beautiful bud. The story is to tragic like Romeo and Juliet." Grell said. He made kissy faces in the air.

" Please stop, that's revolting." I said. My eyes shaded over with blue lines. God was this transvestite getting annoying. I still can't tell which gender he is. That's it, his gender is Grell. I lunged forward and aimed once again at his face. At the last moment I surprised him and jumped in the air and came down at his head.

He quickly raised his chainsaw and blocked me with the flat side of the saw. He pushed me up and I went sailing up towards the roof of London. I landed and Grell followed up towards me. He swung the chainsaw and cut me across the chest.

" Finally I came see a demons soul!" Grell beamed at this accomplishment. I sailed back at the impact and watched the records spill out. Appeared the five other servants that I looked after. Mostly showing Clara, who I've been around more then ever. " Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. WHATS THIS!" Grell yelled while scanning through the records, trying to find a sliver of Sebastian's dark past. He waved his chainsaw around. " All this work, JUST FOR THIS!"

" This has been my life ever since I've been working here at the manor." I said. I sat back up and looked at Grell with my red gazed. Grell shivered and turned around.

" Sebastian, it feels like I can bear your children!" Grell wiggled his body in a snake motion and hugged his dear saw. I looked down at Clara and Ciel. Ciel seemed to be handling it very well while Clara held her hands in front of her. I meant eye contact with her deep sapphire eyes and stared junto them. So many secrets where held in those innocent eyes. I chuckled to myself. She wasn't innocent at all, she was a powerful being that was made in the very pits of hell where even the dangerous flames didn't even reach.

" Now Grell time to finish this little battle." I said. " I don't want to do this dirty trick, but I need for this battle to be done with." Grell smiled and lunged and a slipped my thick coat off with ease and got it caught in the saw.

" MY CHAINSAW!" Grell cried as he tried to rip the thick fabric out from the blades.

" My, another coat is ruined. My master will have to bye another one for me soon."

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