"Another shot?" he asked. Red nodded in response.

"Do you have any friends that are coming later? It's your birthday after all, you shouldn't be drinking alone," the bartender stated as he grabbed Red's glass and began to fill it up again.

Red pulled out his wallet and sighed sadly.

The bartender's face fell. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get too intrusive with your life."

Red shrugged and gave the bartender the seven pokedollars he needed. He downed the shot easier now. His mind was feeling slightly fuzzy already.

Am I getting that tipsy already? This must be some pretty strong stuff. I shouldn't order anymore.

About an hour later, Red had had about five more shots of straight vodka, obviously not taking his own advice from earlier. His head pounded as the bartender offered him another shot. Red shook his head no, slightly moaning from the pain, and struggled to get out of the tall chair at the bar. Finally succeeding, he looked at his surroundings. His vision was slightly blurry, but he could still make out some figures. The tough, muscular guys from earlier were still drinking, smoking, and playing billiards. Red frowned. It would have been nice to have at least one friend spend time with him on his birthday. Even if it was his old childhood rival, Green.

Speak of the devil.

Red chuckled as he saw Green. His drunken mind didn't really think of why his old childhood rival was in a bar. Green didn't really even like to drink much anyway.

Red figured he could spend some time with Green, maybe catch up a bit and see how he was doing at the gym. Even though they were still neighbors and even worked in the same city, they never really spoke to each other anymore.

That's it, I'm talking to him even if he doesn't want me to!

Red stumbled over to the older brunette and proudly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ow!" Green hissed at the sharp tapping on his shoulder. He turned around and saw his old childhood rival, Red standing there.

“Hey, I figured you'd be here. How's your birthday going so far?” Green asked the raven haired boy.

Red didn’t answer him. Instead, he fell over, not being able to keep his balance anymore.

“Hey! What the hell?!” Green shouted, backing away from Red, letting him fall onto the dirty floor of the bar. He bent down and helped Red back up on his feet. Green held the man steady with his hands on his shoulders.

“Why are you acting so-“ Green stopped once he smelled the strong scent of vodka coming from Red’s breath.

“You idiot… you drank too much, didn’t you?” Red nodded before coughing violently.

Oh, god he’s going to throw up.

Panicked, Green rushed Red into the nearest bathroom and positioned him in front of one of the toilets.

As soon as Red relieved himself from all the vodka, Green helped him up.

“You’re too drunk to drive home. Give me your keys.”

Red reached in his front pocket and searched a little before he found the item Green requested. He handed Green the keys.

The brunet sighed and grabbed the keys, putting them into his pocket. He grabbed Red and helped him out of the bar. He opened the passenger door of Red’s car and placed him in there. Once Green got into the driver's seat, he buckled up his seat belt and started up the engine.

Birthday (Green/Red Original Shipping)Where stories live. Discover now