Something i will never forget

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1 month

It been one month sense me coming back home and zendaya talking to her family about the past.

She can have the baby any day now. I'm nervous I mean it's my first child but I'm ready to hold my son in my arms.

I'm also ready for zendaya mood swings to go away. It's like she on her period 24/7. I got to watch everything I do and say it she gonna snap or cry.

My music is doing very good and my album dropped and everything basically went crazy.

I heard zendaya scream from upstairs so I ran up.

A:"What's wrong with chu?"
Z:" I think the baby is coming."

It was a pile of water on the bed and she started to scream again.

A:" Ok ok just calm down everything will be ok just let me think."

Z:" August start the car! Now!"
I got my keys and ran to the car I started the engine and went back up to help zendaya down the stairs.

I picked her up bridle style and carried her to the car. I buckled her up sense she was too busy screaming.

I got in the driver side and took off to the hospital. I called the doctor and told him we are in the way and to be ready.

We got to the hospital and nurses was already there. They  in her bed and rolled her to the room.

Z:"Y'all need to fucking hurry up now!"
A:" baby calm down."
Z:"August shut the fuck up!"

The doctor came in and took a look in her legs.

D:"Ok Ima need you to take a deep breath and push as hard as you can."

I got closer to her and holder her hands. She pushed while screaming squeezing my hand hard asf.

D:"One more time."
Z"ahhhhhh fuck."

Then I heard my favorite sound ever. My son crying more like screaming. They let me cut the cord and went to clean him off.

A:" you did good baby."
Z:" we had a baby."
A:" we did."

N:" here goes august jr."
The nurse put the baby in my arms. He looked just like me with the curly hair but he had zendaya eyes.

Zendaya put me in his arms because she felled asleep. I sat in the chair next to the bed and just rocked him back and forth looking at him.

A:"August I can't promise you a perfect life and I can't promise to be the perfect dad but you will have a happy life and I will try my best. I will protect you. I will teach you how to be a man. I wish you could of met my father he would of loved you so much. This is my promise to you."

I have my girl.  I have my career, my son which all add up to my family and wonderful life.

But this is far most the best day of my life and I doubt it will change.

Come back to meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora