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Aphmau ms
Lucinda, Aurelie, Lilith, and I head to the harbor.
"Is this where you swam to?" I ask, she shakes her head.
"No, it was against the forest. Over that way." She points towards the forest edge next to the water,
"All right. I guess we're gonna go on a walk." Lucinda says, they walk ahead. But I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Dante.... I have never seen him around here.
"Hey Dante! Is everything okay?" I ask,
"Hey Aphmau! I came to visit today and I saw Garroth. He seemed, angry, or maybe a mixture of tense. Is he okay?" He asks me, I look behind me at Lucinda and Aurelie. They wait patiently for me.
"We got into a.... i don't know what to call it. It was sorta a one sided argument, the other side was running away. You can probably guess who." I look at my feet, and adjust the position I'm holding Lilith in.
"Oh, you might want to talk to him. He tends to take his anger out where ever he can... I think you know that." He says,
"Dante! Aphmau is busy!" Lucinda calls, I turn towards her.
"You two go ahead! I'll catch up later! Or fill me in when you get back!" I call out, "Dante, where is Garroth?"
"Last I saw he was over by Kiki's barn, but he was walking towards your house." He says, I nod.

"Hey Kiki!" I call from the fence,
"Oh hey Aphmau! What can I do for ya?" Kiki walks out the barn,
"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but, could you take care of Lilith?" I ask,
"Totally!" She grabs her from the other side of the fence.
"Thank you so much! I need to go, I will see you later!" I jog around the fence towards my house. I make my way up the hill.
Aphmau mc
We mix some ingredients together, I was about to add the sugar but KC stops me.
"No we put the flour in first." She says,
"No im pretty sure the sugar goes in first! Then the vanilla, THEN the flour."
"FINE! But don't blame me if it's not that good!" I smile and proceed to put the sugar in. Then I feel something hit the side of my face. I turn to KC.
"Oh no you didn't." I say,
"Aphmau~senpai! Whatever do you mean?" She laughs, I dig my hand in the flour bag and toss it at her.
"AHHH APHMAU~SENPAI! NOO!" We start tossing flour at each other. Laughing as white powder marks appear all over us. I trip and fall on my butt, on the way down I knock over the bag of flour. It falls all over me.
"Well *cough* you win Kawaii~Chan! But good luck putting in the flour." I stand up, a pile of flour forming under me.
"You guys! Look at the mess you made! The whole kitchen is covered in flour! Aphmau take a shower! Kawaii~chan your helping clean up!" Katelyn exclaims, I see Nicole snickering behind her.
"Nicole your gonna help too!" Katelyn says.
"Awww! But I didn't do anything!" She complains,
"Yea and you don't see me complaining!"
"Yes I do!"
"Aphmau go!"
I trudge up to my bathroom and turn on the water.

Aphmau ms
Just as I thought, Garroth was waiting right at my door.
"Aphmau, I really want you to talk about this!" Garroth says,
"Garroth, I really don't want to. You have to understand that-" he cuts me off,
"Lately you have been so kept to your self! I don't understand why you can't speak up! Don't you trust us?" He asks,
"Garroth stop! Just listen!"
"NO you listen! I've been your most trusted guard since the beginning! We have been through it all together! I have even saved you! And you can't trust me enough to tell me whatever is going on?"
"It's not 'us' Garroth! It's you! It's not always about you! You can't let anyone keep to them selves! It's all about you knowing!"
"And you have done nothing but compare everything with Aaron!"
"It was always about Aaron! Wasn't it!"
"Garroth please!"
"Aaron became your most trusted guard, he became your lover, even your child's father! Ever since you died you became more distant. Now barley anyone can reach you! Would it be better if he just never existed-"
"ENOUGH!!!" I scream, I stomp the ground. Then I feel myself lift off the ground. We pull out our swords.
Aphmau mc
I pull on my pjs, I was about to leave my bathroom but I hear a crack behind me. I turn around to see an uneven hole in the bathroom, but inside I see gravel. And occasionally a foot. I hear arguing. I bring my head to the tiled floor and look through it.
Is fighting Garroth...
How did this happen? I panic, I pull out my phone and dial Aaron's number.
"I need you to come over. Now." I say,
"Alright! I'm leaving my house now!" He says,
"Hurry!" I say, I look through the hole again. Do I interfere? Do I stay out of it? I notice Aphmau has wings, my wings! I feel my back, I do too! I hear my bedroom door open.
"Aphmau?" Aaron calls,
"In the bathroom! You can come in!" I respond. He comes through the door.
"You have wings!" He exclaims,
"Yea but come here!"
"What is it?" I point at the rip in dimensions. He looks through it.
"Is that, you?"
"No, it's your Aphmau." I say,
"Wait... this is great!" He says,
"How?" I ask,
"If we make this hole bigger, we can switch you two back!" He says,
"Think about that! There is an interdimentional rip! Don't you think that can be dangerous to just make it bigge-" a deep voice from the other side cuts me off.
I see a flash of white. Then hear a large boom.
Finally, coming soon! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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