A real childs story

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Aphmau ms
I sit with Zoey and have some tea.
"So if you don't mind, what were you doing with Emmalyn?" Zoey asks,
"Just some research." I reply, I sip my tea.
"Irene!" My voice got high, crap.
"Why'd your voice get so high?" Zoey asks,
"Ahem, voice crack." I lie,
"Hmmm, ok. Anyway, trade ships are supposed to come today."
"Oh shoot I forgot!" I lie, I didn't even know! Why doesn't this Aphmau have some sort of calendar!
"It's okay, you've been pretty busy lately! And everyone is already prepared for this situation!" Zoey encourages,
"Zoey, you are my hero." I say,
"Hahahaha! Anyway I'm gonna get going!" She leaves,
"She looks so much different in my world." I quietly tell myself, I mean it's been a while since I have seen here . I remember when I first met her, she got my lunch back for me from Ivy. You know She was always pretty stuck up. I wonder what she's like here, or was, if Aaron is dead here why wouldn't Ivy be? I take Lilith out of her crib and bounce her on my lap. She giggles.
"Bum bum bum bum!" I say as I bounce her, I look around for something to do with her.... Aha! A story! I see a book on the crate next to my bed. I reach over to it and grab it. I flip through the pages.
"Hmmm.... This doesn't really seem like a children's book... I got it!" I clear my throat, "There once was a cat named Romeow! He was a slick black cat with dark eyes!" I recite my Romeow and Juliet story,
Aphmau mc
I hear a knock at the door.
"APHMAU WILL GET IT!" Katelyn yells from her room,
"GET A LIFE KATELYN!" I call back, I get up off the couch and open the door.
"Hey Aphmau!"
"Aaron!" My voice gets high, "ahem! What brings you here?" I ask,
"Well first im your boyfriend, I thought I could come say hi!" He replies, I open the door wider and make way for him to come in. I close the door behind him.
"So how have you been?" I ask, Celestia bolts down the stairs right to Aaron.
"I've been doing good!" He kneels down and rubs Celestias stomach, "What about you?"
"Aside from work im good!" I say,
"Great!" I follow him to the living room,
Oh my Irene, what does Aphmau do with him!?!? I'm gonna need to ask her that later!
"Are you okay? You look a little red..."
"Be right back!" I run up stairs and slam my bedroom door shut,
"Oh my god what do I do? I don't know what I do with him he's dead in my world! Now he's other me's boyfriend! I don't know what to do with him! This Aphmaus way too complicated! I need to find a way back! Think think think!" I keep babbling to myself until I come to a sudden stop. Aaron is at the door way, confused on everything I said.
"Other Aphmau? I'm dead? What's going on with you?" He walks into my room and closes the door,
"NOTHING!" My voice is really high pitch, Aaron walks to me and gently grabs my arms.
"What's really going on Aphmau? Don't tell me it's nothing because that's clearly not the case! You can tell me." He says, then he let's go. I calm down a bit.
"Promise you won't tell anyone!" I say, "that's not a question!"
"I promise." He replies,
"Okay, do you live alone?" I ask, he nods.
"Okay let's go to your house."
Aphmau ms
"And they lived happily ever after! The end!" I say, she giggles.
"Kitty!" She babbles, shaking around her arms.
"Hmhmhmhm! Yes Lilith!" I love this child! I hear a knock at the door. Aphmau gets a lot of visitors. When I open it I see Emmalyn... she seems very tense.
"Emmalyn are you okay?" I ask,
"I lost it!" She says coming in,
"You lost what?" I ask,
"The blood sample! It's gone!" She says,
"No big deal! We can just do that again if you need to an-"
"You don't understand! I never just lose things I need for research. I put it in a drawer and locked it! I never lost sight of the key and when I came back! The drawer seemed untouched! But the blood wasn't in there! Who ever took it has something planed!" She panics,
"Em! It's okay! I'm sure you just misplaced it! But just in case, I'll have the guards keep a closer eye for suspicious activity!" I say, she calms down.
"Okay. But what if- if-if."
"Emmalyn! It will be okay!"
"Okay! Anyways. I'm gonna work with the other things I have!" She says, she runs out the door before I even say goodbye.
Aphmau mc (I know I'm switching a lot)
"Woaw. Uhhhh..... I don't even know what to think of that! So,.. I'm dead in your world."
"Zane killed me."
"No, you killed yourself along with Zane."
"Okay. You followed this ghost thing. And now your here, and our Aphmau is in your world."
"How will we get things back to normal?"
"I don't know. I heard My Emmalyn was working on that with Aphmau."
"Hmp. Anything else?"
"Yea, one of us is pregnant and we don't know who..."
"Waitwhat?" He asks quickly,
"Before all this I was pregnant. Now we don't who is. Since we don't know if we switched bodies or worlds." I look up at him, his face is bright red.
"That-uh-that wouldn't- augh-That wouldn't be- that wouldn't mean that- uh..." he stutters,
"The other you is the father..." I say, I hear a thump and look to the ground. He passed out.
"Wow okay... looks like we have an interesting relationship here." I chuckle a bit, I lift him up the best I can onto the couch. His nose is bleeding... I feel my face get red again.
"Oh yeah. I should probably clean this up!" I jump to my feet and try to find some towels. I look back at Aaron.
"I didn't realize how much I missed him until now."
Sorry for taking forever to post. I kept forgetting, I'm doing a group project and my group isn't doing crap. Except for one kid, he wrote one sentence in the power point. Anyways, Make sure to check out my other stories and hopefully soon I'll start the next book for my game series soon! Later!

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