Chapter 5

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Beyoncé continued to text on her phone while I drove to the arcade. My trap music was booming through my water speakers.

I guess I could say I was a bit rude before but she was all up in my business. I don't want no hoe up in my personal space asking about my life. I wanted to fuck and duck. Simple.

I could tell that Beyoncé was that innocent girl from Texas. Her whole demeanor and the way she carried herself gave it all away. She wasn't used to my kinda lifestyle. She wasn't used to the thugs, the gangsters, the hood, the ghettos and the ratchet shit. She wasn't used to what I was used to. The only women I felt I had to respect in my life was my mother and my four sisters. All these bitches out here ain't shit to me and they know it. Why would she be different? What the hell have they done for me other than suck my dick and give me something to fuck?

I wasn't finna apologize. She shouldn't be questioning me about my shit anyways. All I want from her is pussy then she can walk away. I didn't even know how old she was. Wait....

"How old are you Beyoncé?"I asked breaking the silence between us.

"I'm 23. You?"phew. So she wasn't one of them who looked like they were in their 20s but were actually my fucking grandma's age.

"24. When's you're birthday?"

"September 4th."

"In a month or so...mine is December 4th."

"That's nice,"she didn't look interested. My phone started to ring and my car picked it up by Bluetooth. Cassie's name flashed on the screen.

"Wassup Cass?"I spoke when I clicked the button. Beyoncé looked up at the screen.

"J-J-Jay...,"her voice shook. She sounded as if she was crying.

"Cassie what's wrong?"I frowned and came to a red light.

"'s mom,"she cried into the phone.

"Cassie's what's happened? Is she alright?"my heart started racing. If anything happened to my mom. If anyone touched her to get revenge on me...

"She's had a h-h-heart attack Jay...come quickly please,"my heart dropped to the floor.

"I'm coming Cassie,"the light was still red but I slammed on the gas pedal speeding to The NYC Health & Hospital, the closest hospital to where we lived.

"J-Jay is your mom alright?"Beyoncé asked but I was too worked up and worried to answer back.

If anything happened to Ma...if she died....

I got to the hospital within minutes and jumped out of the car. As I rushed into the hospital I identified my five younger siblings all huddled together.

"Cassie!"I yelled her name and she looked up from comforting Morocco. When I reached my siblings it was clear that they were distraught.

"J-Jay..."Naharyi choked. Her eyes, just like the others, were red and blotchy from crying. Morocco jumped up from Cassie's lap and wrapped her tiny arms around me bursting into tears.

"Where's Ma?"I asked the older girls.

"They took her into surgery just before I called you,"Cassie sniffed.

"Look imma go see what I can find out. Y'all don't worry about Ma she finna be alright. Kay?"I raised my eyebrows at them but they didn't respond. I pried Morocco off me and she ran to the girls. I jogged to the reception to find out more information about Ma.

Jay awkwardly left me standing in front of his brother and sisters and I had no idea what to do. This wasn't part of my job description and I didn't plan to end up here in the hospital.

"Who are you?"the young voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked at the sisters to see the one with black and green hair staring deep into my eyes.

"Uh, ummm..."I looked between them not knowing what to say.

"Shutup Naharyi and stop being rude to her,"Cassie rolled her eyes at her sister. I was assuming she was the second oldest after Jay.

"Trust Jay to bring some hoe with him when our mother is in hospital,"Naharyi folded her arms looking me up and down.

"Did you not just here a word I just said? Shit Ryi stop being such a fucking bitch. Ma wouldn't want this,"the young boy spoke up with bloodshot eyes.

"Who the fuck you calling a bitch huh Cy'Cah? You better keep in yo 14 year old place and stay low,"Naharyi spat towards her brother.

"Leave him alone Ryi,"the other girl defended.

"Exactly Naharyi you real pushing it!"Cassie growled.

"Stop arguing!"the youngest pulled her hands from her eyes.

"Stop it!"I yelled and they all stopped yelling over one another. "Look y'all..your mother wouldn't want this-"

"But you don't know her. All you know is her oldest child and what he has down in his Calvin Kleins,"Naharyi kissed her teeth. I was ready to slap this lil girl but then I would get arrested for physical assault or some shit for hitting a child.

"I know I don't know your mother but y'all do. Would she want y'all arguing while she's in hospital fighting for her life? Pull together and support each other so when y'all mother gets out she will have her children around her,"they all nodded excluding that Naharyi bitch who was still giving me dirty looks.
"Thank you,"Cassie broke a smile. I didn't say anything back but I returned the smile and sat down next to the boy who looked a lot like Jay.

He didn't seem like the type to belt out his emotions like Morocco but it was indecisively clear that there were some tears before.
"Your mother will be fine...I'm sure about it,"I reassured him.

He didn't make a move so I threw my head back and huffed. This was not on my agenda.

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