[94] private message

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[private message]

grant the ant 💝
good morning beautiful

good morning handsome

grant the ant 💝
wanna go get breakfast now?

it's almost noon, but of course :)

grant the ant 💝
breakfast is good any time of the day!!!!

ps, is this our first official date?

official? i don't know, are WE official?

grant the ant 💝
well, you said we'll try this thing out. so, does that mean official? or that we're officially trying?

i don't know? you tell me.

grant the ant 💝
well you know i want to be official

but it's up to you, ainsley. i won't rush anything.

you've said official to many times haha

but, okay, thank you grant. you're the absolute best.

and, yes, this can be our first "official" date 😉

grant the ant 💝
first official date confirmed!!! call the press!!! it's a historic day that i've been waiting for!!!!!

i've been waiting for this day longer, you know

grant the ant 💝
yeah, you wanted to date me before i even knew you existed, you creep

and see where that got me?

it got me you, grant. yeah. take that.

grant the ant 💝

good point

i'll be at your room in ten, fangirl 😘

see you then, fanboy 😘

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