[28] coffee shop

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i stood inside the small coffee shop, fiddling with the zipper of my jacket. i couldn't believe i was about to finally meet my celebrity crush turned internet friend, grant gustin. it felt too unreal.

i glanced over my shoulder, looking back at the table where kyle and paul were sitting. i wasn't dumb - of course i didn't agree to meet up with a stranger over social media and come alone. even if that stranger was a gustin. i mean, it wasn't likely anything shady would actually happen, but i was always over prepared and over cautious.

kyle didn't notice my stare, but paul did, and gave me little smile. i knew the brothers were excited to meet grant as well, but kyle just seemed off today. he muttered something earlier about his girlfriend was meeting her celebrity crush and now that made him seem like a fool, but i told him he was foolish for being worried about it. grant was a great guy, but a great friend. even paul reassured him multiple times that we were just friends, and it was actually amazing that we were meeting the the flash.

i looked back to the counter from my spot in the end of line. i felt jittery without my daily dose of coffee yet, but an unfamiliar nervousness spun inside of me, too. i looked to my phone, seeing another one of grant's dm's light up my screen. i answered, a smile on my lips.

i took a small step forward as the line moved up. i felt a hand graze my shoulder lightly, startling me. spinning around quickly, my eyes met familiar green ones.

"it's you," i breathed in, immediately getting lost in the returned stare.

"it's me," grant grinned. he leaned over, wrapping his arms around me like he had down it a million times before. i quickly hugged back, bubbles of laughter escaping me.

"i'm so happy!" i beamed, pulling out of grant's hug. "it's so nice to meet you!"

grant nodded, "yeah! it's so nice to meet you, too!"

i was melting in the presence of grant. he was dressed different from his usual barry allen state, but his face was still cleanly shaven from his role. but the wide smile was still the same, adorable one i'd watched on screen many times.

"so," i sighed, pointing to kyle and paul's table, "kyle and paul are over there. i brought them, too. you know, just in case you ended up being a psycho killer or something." i grinned sheepishly, shrugging my shoulders at the cute guy in front of me.

grant's eyes moved to the table, spotting the two. his smile faded a little bit, and i felt a little guilty for not telling me i was bringing friends. only a little, though. but he smiled still, nodding at me. "smart," he laughed softly. "i'm just happy you're here."

they mettttttt oh myyyyyy

internet friends ⋆ g. gustin [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now