Forced Into Love

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"Mother?" Stomping down the hallway in my chemise, I was in a fit of worry. My in-maid, whom was more of a friend, was cursing up and down my corridor. How I slipped by that women, I do not know, but I did. I sprinted quietly through the halls to my mother. 

With her hand over her heart, she scurried to her door. "What, Child?" Her old eyes searched my face to see if any harm was done. 

" Nelly is screaming at my door. There's something wrong with her. I think she's gone mad." All of my rage disappeared when Mother had to cover her mouth to stifle a laugh. 

"Well..... I could see how that it a problem, darling. Let's go and check on her. Put her to bed. We need our beauty sleep for the Masquerade tomorrow."  She placed a sheath around her shoulders and wrapped her arm through mine as we walked through the dark hallways, lightened only by a single lantern at the end of the corridor.

Nelly was passed out by my door frame. Sweat matted her frizzy hair, which was, for once, out of place. I reached down and shook her shoulder roughly.

"Nelly!" I hissed. Her glazed eyes opened wearily and locked with mine. 

Almost falling over, she got to her feet and bowed to both of us. 

"I am sorry, you're Highness's. I was just out for a nightly stroll. Can I get you anything? Is there something wrong?" She smiled a fake grin and started to play with her hands nervously. Even more sweat beaded on her forehead. 

"Actually, there is something wrong, Nelly. You cannot be out and about during the night. Especially in my daughter's part of the castle! I do not know what you are doing here but you better explain your reasoning," Mother said sternly. She was queen of Auvergne and everyone respected her and her wishes. Nelly was very flustered, looking all over the walls for an answer.

"I-I don't remember coming down here, a-actually, Your Highness. I apologize in every way. It will not  reoccur again." 

I turned to Mother, who was looking very impatient with Nelly. 

"Mother, maybe she has a sickness. I could send for Dr. Lapele..." 

"Maybe. See to it that she gets back to her room, darling. I am going to retire." She kisses my forehead and glares at Nelly once before walking away. 

Nelly threw her arms around me and squeezed tightly. 

"Okay! Okay!" I unwrapped her arms from me.  She steps back and clamps her hands around mine. 

"Thanks, Princess, Thank you! You could've let her kill me! Send me to the dungeon! I owe you my gratitude, miss."  A small bottle fell from her dress pocket as she jumped. It was a small serving of Yager. My Governess used to put a swab in our mouths when we sassed her or made her cross.  

"Do you think that my Mother, your Queen, would be so cruel? Please, go to bed. Show me gratitude for staying on my pleasant side... Clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." She curtsied and skitted away. So she was a drinker? Interesting. I'd keep that to myself for now. Unless she becomes a problem.  My door creaked open slowly. I was reluctant to try to go back to sleep. I'm too restless for the Ball tomorrow. Mother would probably suggest marriage. How ridiculous? 

Looking out my window, I see the big moon and the brilliant stars. I wish I could fly sometimes. Just to capture one of the stars to take home with me. That star would be the finest thing I've ever owned.     Opening the bedside table, I grabbed a match and lit a candle on the mantle. A low, red fire burned to keep me warm but it was not enough for light. 

I grabbed my Aunt Ella's old journal and looked at it's leather, engraved cover. I had just found it today under my mothers bed in a big, locked box. She kept the key in one of her gaudy lockets. She said her sister was nothing but a tramp and an unfit royal. She had passed before I was born, but while my mom was with child, that being me, she hid everything. Even a certian door was unavailable to me at all times. I guessed it was her room. I was her only daughter. Mother never spoke of Ella. She says, and I quote,she was 'the plague'. 

With an anticipated grunt, I unlocked the journal and flipped to the title page. 

May 17,1779 Ella Desorosiers

Dear Diary, 

Today was something awful. Momma said that I can't call her Momma anymore. Only by her title: Colecte la Nelle Desorosiers. She said she doesn't know me, that 'Tis how my days shall follow. I am ill-willed to be perfect at everything. Robin le Signe Desorosiers is my sisters new title. I have done nothing wrong, have I? I want to be free, and they are chaining me up like a horse to its stables. There is a knock on my door, and it sounds impatient. I better stop writing now. 

Truly Yours, 


I wanted to read without stopping, to see what this intriguing woman meant.... My eyes grew wary, so I blew out the candle and pulled my thick covers up to my chin and settled in for another dreamless sleep.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 03, 2012 ⏰

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