Preference #2: He hates it when you...

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Preference #2

He hate it when...

You're down on yourself

No matter how many times he compliments you or any other charming way he tries, you are still not convinced that you're 'beautiful' or 'good enough' for any guy...especially Harry. You would every so often dawn him with questions like 'why'd you choose me' or 'how can you look at me, I look like a beast'.

A couple of months ago you and Harry went shopping and bought this lovely floral dress, Harry liked it because he said the flowers reflect your beauty and that it didn't make you look good, in fact his exact words were 'you make the dress look sexy and everything around you becomes beautiful with your presence'.

Today was your 1 year anniversary with Harry, first on your to-do list was to stroll around in the park where you two met and shared your first kiss (both on the same day).

"UGH!!!" You exclaimed from upstairs, Harry was sitting nonchalantly on the couch eating a banana and watching a crime show, "HARRRRRRRYYYYY!!" You shouted rushing down the stairs in your bra and underwear. You stood in front of the tv pouting, Harry tried to move his head to a spot where he could see more TV but failed miserably, "What is it Y/N?" Harry sighs deeply knowing what was coming next, "The stupid dress doesn't fit me because my stupid body got stupid fat and now this stupid day is stupid ruined. Imsuchanidiotthatcanneverloseweightandisacompletefailureatlife. Why are we even together?" You whined putting your head in your hands. Harry scoffed trying to see the television but you were blocking his view still. You looked up with teary eyes then you became irritated, "I'm freaking out over my weight and the existence of this relationship and you can't even offer a proper comment because you're trying to see the fucking television?!" Harry winced at your tone of voice, "Well excuse me for trying to avoid having the same damn conversation--pardon me, argument because we can never come to a PROPER consensus! You don't believe you're beautiful but I do, there's no point in trying to convince the most stubborn person in the world! Now can I please watch my show or was that comment-no..statement proper enough?" Your eyes widened at Harry's words, "If I'm so stubborn why are we even together? Why don't you go be with whores that don't care for your heart? At least when you're down on yourself because of hate that jealous cunts with no lives send you, I TRY to make you feel better." Harry stood up clenching his fists, "Damn it Y/N, I DO try but you don't seem to notice or care because of that thick skull of yours and layer of doubt. You doubt that someone like me could actually adore and be mesmerized by you, for Christ's sake I'm more than infatuated with you, I'm obsessed. There's not one single conversation where your name is brought up or when I have free time I tour if I'm not talking to you or about you, I'm looking at photographs of you. I can't get enough of you. Hell I'm not afraid to say that I fap to you every night we're apart or nights when you're not in the mood. ITS YOU! No one else, but you that matters in my world." You shook your head not wanting to believe this, Harry could be so honest with you but when it came to his feelings for you, you refused to accept the 'truth' that he actually loved you, "Bullshit. You're the most charming boy in the world that could have any girl in the world slut, genuine girls like your sister, but instead you pick me. The most dull, uncreative, low-life tramp of--" Suddenly you felt a hard smack that caused you to fall to the ground, "Ow!" You looked to the side to see a couch pillow then looked up at Harry who smirked down at you, "What the fuck was that for?!" Harry chuckled standing over your body, "If I can't get you to shut up verbally then a smack to the face should do the trick." Harry bent over so that he was at your level on the ground, "Look love, I understand what kind of rep I have in the public eye but that's not me. If I wanted a slut, I'd sleep with one every night but that would make me a pig, that's not who I am. Am I pig?" You shook your head no then he continued, "I am in love with you, those aren't just words you hear in cheesy romantic films, it's how I feel about you, no matter how cheesy or untrue it sounds to you. I know what I'm talking about, nobody else can tell me different, not even you. I want you. Your good side, naughty side, and even the bad but not too much because I know how much negativity brings you down. I'm sorry about earlier, it just pains me to see you this way. So down when so many people look up to you; your family, friends, the fans, the lads, and me. Without you we'd be nothing, less than nothing, we wouldn't be worth anything-not even dirt. You've changed us all, I don't want you to put on the 'confident' act in public anymore, I want you to feel confident. When the time is right, you'll feel almost as confident as I feel in you...I mean in feel confident when I'm inside wait I mean -sighs- you make me feel confident. You're my strength but it goes away when you don't believe in yourself. I want you to feel as strong as you make me. I want you to love yourself. I want you to---" Harry fell backwards onto the ground after you hit him in the face with a pillow, "HEY!" You giggled at his reaction, "Okay okay Harry Charming, I get the point. I'll stop being so negative about myself and actually believe that you love me almost as much as I love you." You smiled down at him then leaned in to place a passionate kiss on his lips. As you were kissing Harry reached for the pillow at the side of his head and smacked the back of your head with it, "HEY!" You whined then put out your bottom lip, "I thought you only throw things at girls you want to go out with or something." Harry chuckled playing with your hair as you still laid on his chest, "I'd love to go out with you beautiful but you've got me on lock down here." You smirked down at him, your eyes filled with lust, "You know you love it...besides your little 'friend' doesn't seem to mind. You teasingly grinded on his erection, "Nothing about my 'friend' is little. Do I have to fuck you hard so that you can't walk to prove the powers of my glorious dick." You rolled your eyes, "Cheeky bastard." You stood up leaving him on the ground with his hands behind his head, "You know you love it." He mocks you.

Harry Styles (Prefs/Imagines) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now