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I'm really sorry for not updating in a very long time. A lot has happened. School has been evil, I have had a bad case of writers block and the overwhelmingly large  question of 'What do I do with my life?' has hit me hard, across the face, with a baseball bat. Ok, maybe not with a baseball bat but you get the idea.

Anyway, enjoy and stay awesome!

-Micky :)


"Hello Alice"

I could feel my eyes widen with terror as I faced a certain insane Lewis Carroll enthusiast. Jervis laughed and I felt a shiver go down my spine. This was the moment I realised just how crazy he really was. I must have been blind as to not notice it beforehand.

A cloth was pressed over my mouth and my surroundings started to fade. As everything turned to black, I, for the first time in a while, felt genuinely terrified.


Jervis'  POV                                                             

I looked down at my sweet Alice and smiled. The bat may have taken her away from me once before but this time, I would not let her go.

After I escaped Arkham, I relocated my hideout. Well, I'm in the process of relocating. At current, I am staying with Edward and Jonathan, much to their annoyance, I won't be leaving for quite some time.   They'll live. Hopefully.

I glared at the idiotic rabbit that I had stupidly chosen to bring with me. They stared right back at me with lifeless, masked eyes. Oh goodness, I hate these inferior rabbits. Sometimes they help but 98% of the time they are just little idiots who were picked off the street.

The rabbit hands Alice to me and I drag her down the three stairs leading to her apartment. I placed her in the van waiting outside and closed the doors. The rabbit got into the front seat and we began our hectic journey home.


When we arrived at the warehouse, Alice was still passed out. I must remember to take care of that idiotic rabbit I brought with me. Glancing around quickly, I take Alice and walk inside.

I glanced around the warehouse and saw that neither Edward or Jonathan were to be seen. Panicking slightly I wonder where they could possibly be. They could be at a heist. Yeah, a heist, that's all. Nothing to worry about. Everything's fine.

Lost in my thoughts I almost missed the feeling of Alice stirring in my arms. Her eyes fluttered open and upon seeing me she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

The Mad Hatter of Wonderland (Jervis Tetch fanfic.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon