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The rain pelted down on all the windows in the gloomy city of Gotham. My heels clicked along the drenched pavement. The umbrella that I had brought along with me provided no protection from the cold, hard rain. I twisted a strand of my wet, blonde hair around my finger in frustration. I had been looking for the hat shop for more than an hour. I groaned in annoyance as I passed the Gotham Gazette for the fourth time in my journey. I glanced around hoping to find someone that might know where the hat shop was. I couldn't find anyone else roaming the streets. They were probably a lot smarter than me as Gotham's streets don't have a good reputation. I continued to look around thinking that maybe I would find the hat shop myself. I was in luck. Across the road there was a rundown, yellow building with the faint outline of where letters used to be. From what I could see the letters spelt HAT SHOP. I nearly jumped for joy as I prepared to cross the road.

I knocked on the old, wooden door of the hat shop. A kindly voice simply instructed for me to come in. I nervously opened the door and saw that the room was so dark it was almost pitch black. I walked into the room and softly closed the door behind me. Suddenly a bright light flickered on. After the darkness of the room before, the light was almost blinding. When my sky blue eyes adjusted to the light I came face to face with something that reminded me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. That book had always been my favourite ever since I was a child. Across the room I caught sight of a man wearing a hat that reminded me of the Mad Hatter. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like Alice in Wonderland was becoming real! The man that reminded me of the Mad Hatter turned around to face me. As soon as he saw me his eyes widened slightly.

"A-Alice?" he questioned.

I shook my head politely to tell him that my name was not Alice. The man extended his hand for me to shake.

"My name is Jervis. Jervis Tetch." he remarked.

"Tabitha Westwood." I said shaking his hand.

"Would you care for some tea?" he asked politely.

"Some tea would be lovely. Thank you." I must admit tea was and still is my weakness so I just had to accept.

Jervis pulled a chair from under the table out and gestured for me to sit down. I gladly sat and wondered why more people in Gotham weren't as nice as Jervis. Jervis took a seat across from where I was sitting. He poured some tea into both of our teacups.

"Would you like some sugar?" he asked.

I nodded my head. Jervis passed me a small bowl that was filled with white sugar cubes. I carefully placed one sugar cube into my cup. I took a sip of the tea and all of a sudden I felt very tired. The world around me started to go black. I fell out of my chair and the last thing I heard was the teacup smashing on the concrete floor.

The Mad Hatter of Wonderland (Jervis Tetch fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now