I toss my bookbag on my bed and walk downstairs and back into the kitchen.

"Where's Jackie?" I ask the two idiots who were arguing over ordering Chinese or pizza.

"Her mom came to pick her up right before you showed up. Something about going out with the family and shit." Logan replied before going back to the argument.

I leave the two boneheads alone and walk to the living room. I turn on the TV. A picture of a girl is on the screen. The news lady began talking.

"... had been missing for six days before she was found dead.."

I changed the channel and scroll through them. I settle on Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Rachel's POV:
I woke up the next morning with a headache. I looked at the clock, 6:34 AM. I still had an hour left of sleep. I flipped my pillow over to get the cold side of the pillow case. I laid my head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep again.

I was awoken by the sound of glass shattering. I jump up in fright.

Not knowing what to do, I grabbed an unplugged lamp from my nightstand and slowly walked towards my bedroom door. I slowly reached for the door knob, turning it ever so slowly. I opened the door to see nothing but a phone on the floor. I pick it up and realize it's Ethan's. The screen read "Glass Shattering Soundtrack".

Ethan walked out of the hallway bathroom, turning to look at me. I give him a look of confusion.

"I had to wake you up somehow" he shrugs before laughing.

I throw the phone at him, hitting his chest.
"OW!" He groans.

I give him a smug smile before walking into the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I wash my face and go back to my room. I check the time. 7:27 AM. I groan. I just want more sleep.

I go to my closet and pick out a random outfit. I picked out a random pair of blue jeans and one of Ethan's band tees that he let me keep. I apply concealer to the zits on my cheeks and mascara.

After I finished getting ready, I checked the time again. I had about 20 minutes before I'd be late. I walk downstairs and sit at the central island in the kitchen. Ethan runs downstairs with Logan following behind.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" I questioned Logan as I took a big out of my apple.

"Where do you think I'm heading right now" Logan gives me a 'duh' look before turning to Ethan. "Shouldn't you be at college?"

"I'm on break right now" Ethan puts his hands up in defense.

Logan grabs his car keys and says goodbye to us and leaves. Ethan and I spent the last couple of minutes talking about the most random things before leaving the house. We get into Ethan's car and he drives up to my school.

Kaiden's POV:
"What do you mean I have to marry her?" I tugged at my hair, nearly pulling it out.

"I mean what I just said" Francis (my father) stares straight at me.

"I'm not gonna marry the bitch! I agreed to be with her but that was it." I pace around the room.

"If you're with her now you're with her for life, now you'd just be making it official." Francis crosses his arms and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"I won't do it." I bluntly state.

He walks up to me and grabs the collar of my shirt "now you listen and you listen good, you're going to propose to the bitch. You're going to marry her and you're going to do it without complaining like a little bitch" he spits at my face.

I push my father off and give him the finger. It has no affect on him. He walks away to the rest of the guys. My older brother Anthony walks up to me.

"Just do it" he tries to sympathize.

"Psht, you're married that crazy clingy ass bitch?" I take a shot from the counter of the bar.

"God no, but you gotta do it." Anthony gives me the look.

I sigh in frustration before grabbing my bookbag and walking out of the warehouse. I was already running late.

Rachel's POV:
"I have to stay after school for tutoring." Jacqueline explained as we walked to my locker.

I nodded as I opened my locker. I grabbed my books and binders as Jacqueline began telling me about some guy she met at her dad's restaurant/bar the other day. I closed my locker when I finished and we made our way to class. Jacqueline dropped me off at AP Chemistry and we parted ways. I walked into class, Mrs. Zetterstrum giving me a surprised look.

"Glad to see we're on time today Ms. James" Mrs. Zetterstrum smiles at me before continuing to write the objective on the board.
I walked to my seat and sat down, laying my head on the table hoping to get an extra five minutes of sleep. Students began to pile in and eventually the bell rang.

"Okay students today I'll be assigning the lab partners. I've posted them on the wall over there" Mrs. Zetterstrum pointed to the wall near the door.

She walked over to her desk and began calling students one by one to go find their assigned lab partner.

"Rachel James" Mrs. Zetterstrum called me up.
I got up from my desk and walked up to wall with the paper on it. I searched for my name. I couldn't find it.

"Mrs. Zetterstrum, my name isn't on the list" I informed her.

I could hear a few snickers from the rest of the class.

"Let me have a look" Mrs. Zetterstrum came up to the paper to look. "Oh my, it seems I posted up the wrong list. This was the before list. I apologize Ms. James."

She walked back to her desk and checked a piece of paper.

"Ms. James, you'll be partnered up with-"
The door slammed open, interrupting her.
"-with Kaiden Gray."

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