Chapter 8: We Did All We Could

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He disappeared behind the doors to the ER section and I sat down crying. The receptionist called his family and they are on the way. I called mom and dad who said they are on the way. First Justin's family came in around a half hour later and I hugged them and my mom and dad came like 5 minutes after them. 

We sat in the waiting room until a  giant male nurse came out and told us he lost so much blood that he went into shock and is in a coma. I felt the world crashing around me, I need him. I need his beautiful words, his amazing personality, and his love. I felt like I was going to die until we were allowed to enter his room.

He was in a giant bed with iv's in him. Most of his body was wrapped up and the part that was odd was that he was on his side. I asked the doctor and he froze and looked up at me. I just grew a confused look until he pulled up Justin's file.

"Justin was cut all over the place as you can tell but, he has internal bleeding... from a torn rectum" He said looking at the screen. 

My who presence darkened and I looked over at Justin before I stormed out of the hospital to the police station. Once there I threw the door open with so much force that it broke off its hinges. 

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!" I boomed. 

The captain walked over to me.

"Juan? Calm down he is in solitary" she said.


"I know he kidnapped him and cut him but, breathe" she said.


That was when someone tackled me.

"Now listen here...I will make sure he gets the death penalty Juan" Star said.

"I can't...can't believe he did that" I cried out until I felt her rubbing my back.

"How is he?" she asked.

"He is in a coma" I said.

"Shit...I'll tell Jules when I get home" she said.

"I can still lose him and I can't" I sobbed into her shoulder.

"He's a strong man Juan...He'll make it. I promise" she said.

Just than my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I cried.

"Juan you need to come back right now!" my mom sounded frantic. All of the color left my face and I felt my heart start to race even faster.

"I need to go back" I said getting up and running out of there. I rushed back with my siren running and once there. The everyone was in the waiting room again with fresh tears in their eyes. Dad got up and hugged me.

"He was having convulsions from lack of blood flow. The doctors don't know if he is going to make it son" dad said.

That was when I lost it and got up and ran to the operating room. All of the doctors were yelling at me and I didn't give a fuck. I only cared about him and only him at that moment. I ran through the door and saw him laying on a table with blood being pumped into him and doctors patting his head with a liquid. 

They all looked at me with a glare and I just sat down in the far corner. They were sewing up some of his cuts when he stopped convulsing. The lead doctor told me that they stopped the internal bleeding and are releasing him back into his room and that I should wait in the waiting room again.

I only nodded before getting up and leaving after being in there for 2 hours. I got back to find everyone sleeping and I sat down for another hour before being awoken by the nurse telling us we can go back in. This time he was on his back and I couldn't stand to see him like this. Justin never did anything to be treated like this. I stayed there all night and watched him.

+++2 weeks later+++


I opened my eyes and regretted it immediately they burned so badly. My vision started to clear and I saw Juan looking at me wide eyed and an alarm was going off in the room.

"You're awake" he said almost crying.

"I will never leave you...I promised" I said crying.

He rubbed my head, "I know baby" he said with tears in his eyes.

The doctors came in and looked so surprised. I started coughing and laid back down feeling dizzy. I took a deep breath which hurt my lower back...I touched down there and started to cry. Juan saw that and looked at me.

"He is getting the death penalty Justin...I'm sorry I didn't find you quicker" he cried. 

"Its not your fault Juan, Please you saved me even when you where suppose to be the one that killed me" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I know I heard what he said before I kicked the door down" He said.

"I love you" I said feeling tired.

"I love you to my precious Justin" Juan said rubbing my head.

"Juan you kept me going through that whole ordeal" I said looking into his red eyes.

"Loosing you kept me on my toes trying to find you sweetie" he said threw his tears.

"After all of this can we go on that date" I joked through tears.

"Of course it was something important and I will do it as soon as you feel better" He said.

I smiled and felt tired, "Juan I'm so tired" I yawned.

"Go back to sleep I'll call everyone, Jules came by with Star earlier by the way" he said as I drifted off into sleep.


"He woke up please come over" I said to Justin's mother.

I called my mom and told her then I called Star.

"Star, Justin woke up" I said.

"Baby!" I heard Star scream.

"What?" Jules said sniffing.

"Justin woke up" Star said.

I heard Jules cry and Star said they will be right over. 

I went back to Justin's room and he was sleeping as the doctors where checking everything.

One thing went through my mind and it was when I will finally ask him to marry me.

A/N: A sad chapter before a really happy one. Juan's police captain, Star is dating Jules by the way just so you know about what happen to Jules over the years :)

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