Secrets Revealed

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Authors Note: Sorry I had The Coven held off for so long. I've been on Writers Block for a while, but i'm back! Now without further adiuex, here's that special talk that you've all been waiting for!


The next day, as the day goes by as slowly as ever, it reaches its end. The last bell rings and I start my way towards the football field just as Zack had told me to do last night. In the distance I see him standing there. Damn he's so sexy! I look around and watch the birds flying in all different directions to get my mind off of things. I must have been too focused on other things because I walked straight into Zack.

"Well hello to you to" he says shooting me a cute smile.

"Sorry." I say apologizing "What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask nervously playing with my fingers behind my back. "Well, I was just wondering if you looked at the book yet?" Zack asks.

I shoot to attention at Zacks question but my fingers were still wiggling behing my back. Even more now. "What book?" I ask trying to play it off.

"The book that I left on your porch for you. If you go get dinner with me tonight then i'll explain everything. Trust me."

I said I would go, but I was not sure why I did that. I mean, I thought he was sexy and all, but a date? I mean what would I wear? 


I was at the house and I was wondering what to wear, when there was a knock at the door. Really? Was Zack here already? I mean, I understand a little early. but two hours?! Really?! I answered the door a little annoyed but was relived, when i saw Rebecca and another girl.

"Hey Rebecca!" I say to her ignoring the girl to her left.

"Hey dude! Let's go party yo! Theres a bonfire at Seans house!" Rebecca says in response. As Ghetto as ever!

"Ummm.... I can't. I have a date with.. umm... err....someone." I say hesitantly.

"Oh! By the way, this is my friend Amelia... Wait.... A date? With who may I ask" asks Rebecca. Once again being my protective big/little sister.

"Nice to meet you Amelia!" I say to her.

"Hi. James was it? Rebecca talks about you a lot haha!" she says to me laughing.

"Eh hum!" Rebecca caughs getting my attention, "I'm still waiting! With who???"

"Just someone! Help me get ready? I have no idea what to wear!" I ask, almost excited!

"Ok! Ok!" Rebecca says.

I turn and run up the stairs being followed by Rebecca and my new friend Amelia and we enter my room. Rebecca and Amelia instantly start going through my closet and drawers throwing clothes out yelling "Put this on!"

They finally picked me out some black skinny jeans with a white button down. My room was now a total mess. I looked liked I was going to a wedding, but I did not complain because I looked damn sexy!

"You guys have to go now. My date should be here any minute!" I say following them down the stairs then out the door.

"Okay! See you later Bro!" Rebecca yells as her and Amelia hop in the car and pull out of my drive way.

I go back inside and finish getting ready. I put on some cologne and after shave to make myself look and smell good. After I was finished I went down stairs and sat on the couch waiting on Zack. I am sitting there for about 5 minutes when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up and, almost, run to open the door. I opened the door and there he was! Zack was wearing some ripped jeans and a Black Veil Brides tee and I suddenly felt very over dressed!

"Umm... You ready to go?" Zack asked scanning me up and down with a cocked eyebrow.

"Well, i'm going to go change." I replied. "I feel WAY too over dressed!"

I ran up to my room and changed into some Wranglers and a My Chemical Romance tee. I wanted to look casual!

When I get finished changing I go downstairs to find Zack leaning against the door frame texting on his phone. When he looked up and saw me, he looked kind of scared and shot his phone to it's original place in his pocket. He looks back up at me and smiles. "Wow" he says and I instantly blush.

"Let's go!" I replied.

Zacks pov

I walked up to the door nervous as hell! I've always found James quite intriguing. I finally got up the nerve to knock on the door. James opened the door and Oh My Fucking God! He looked sexy as hell! I suddenly felt really under dressed. James ran upstairs to change. I was ready to go, I really wanted to explian everything. My phone buzzed and I unlock it finding a text from my ex. "I'm sorry! Please!" I mouthed, reading the text. Finally James came back down stairs. I jump and put my phone in my pocket as soon as I saw him. I didn't want him knowing my ex was still stalking me. James was dressed a lot more casual now. "Wow" was all that could slip out of my lips. We walked out to my 1964 Black Ford Mustang and drove off to dinner. I was taking James somewhere special 

************************* half hour later*****************************

We pulled up to Shoguns and I saw James smile. Only for a moment, but it was there. I made him happy, but I dont know how happy he would be when I explain to him what was going on. We walked into Shoguns and got a booth in the back. I couldnt risk anyone over hearing us.

"So explain." James said. Getting right to the point.

"Can't we enjoy our dinner and talk first?" I ask wanting to make all out of this.

"Look. I'm really freaked out from all of this! I'd much rather get what ever it is that we need to talk about over with." He says to me. Worry in his eyes.

" Well. You are a Warlock, but you father took most of your powers away and I am here to help you get them back." I said.

"A Warlock? Are you kidding dude? You really expect me to belive that?" he yelled. Not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Well not just anyone could preform thoses spells. I know you have tried a least once because i am a Warlock too." I said.

"So I'm a Warlock. What do i do now?" he asked confused.

"We have to go and fight your Father and get your powers back." i exclaimed.

"But my father is dead." he said with a confused look.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this but.... You're adopted." I said to him wincing at the words.


OOPS!!!!! Cliff Hanger! Haha! I just had to do that to you guys! I would like to give a HUGE thanks to Shyanne (Rebecca) @jayvensmomma for helping me with this chapter and a HUGE thanks to Lena1323 for the idea! More to come and please vote and comment for more! Love all my awesome readers! Sincerely yours, rainbowemo69!!!!!! ^_^

The Coven: Chapter One: The BookWhere stories live. Discover now