We need to talk....

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Authors note: This is the fourth chapter of The Coven. My best friend Jayvensmomma helped me write this chapter. She will start to help me from now on. Go check out some of her stuff @jayvensmomma (Rebecca)! I may be helping her on some of her stories as well. I hope you enjoy it! ^_^ And make sure to comment and please vote! Thanks!


Rebecca pov

What was that omg oh hell naw no he didn't is he cray cray what was that shit some satanic crap or witchcraft i am not down with that shit. James dont know me at all anymore he was going insane. I stormed home i was so dumbfouned i did not understand any of this. I ran straight to my room and turned up my radio and it screamed Teenager  by My Chemical Romance i was trying to get my mind off this stuff. I mean i know he has had a hard time but witchcraft is just crazy but then again maybe it will help him get over the death of his parents and his twin sister alaceiea. Two years ago james' immediate family died in a horrific three car pile up which ended in a all three car engulfed in flames. James has been depressed every since and every since Zack he has been well just not himself... im kinda concered. I am thinking about going to support him but i cant but i have to so i turn off my radio which was singing Pain by Three Days Grace and ran out to my car and sped off to James' house. When i got there he was still doing whatever it was he was doing a spell or somthing. I walked up and he jumped like a girl who got caught eating a cookie before dinner.

I want you to know i dont agree with this but im going to support you cause im you best friend i always have been and always will be

You dont have to do this if you dont want to i mean i know your not comfortable with it i can see it

James main can you just shut the hell up i mean i said i was supporting you get over it ok you my bro i got yo back cuz

With that James shut his mouth and proceeded with the spell and i hate to say it but i got really excited when the dead leaf slowly gained it green color back i felt power we could do anything.

James POV

I will admit. I was kind of surprised when Rebecca showed up again and said that she wanted to help. I thought she would think I was a freak and not want to be my friend again. Like I said. I think too much. I'm not sure but I think she got excited when the leaf stretched out and came to life. She had that sort of, sparkle in her eye. The same sparkle you see when a child opens up their present from "Santa" on Christmas morning. That's the kind of sparkle that Rebecca had. 

So after about 4 time doing the regeneration spell, my finger was getting REALLY sore, so we called it a day. Rebecca helped me wash the knife and hide the book (in a better place then under my bed). We found a lose piece of flooring in my bedroom closet so we pryed it up and put the book in. I walk Rebecca out to her car and we say our goodbyes. I watch her car drive out of the driveway and down the street, then run up to my room and flop down on my bed.

As i'm about to drift peacefully into sleep, I hear the phone ring. I look at the clock which says 9:47 PM "Finally Aunt Alisha decides to call! It's been hours!" I run to answer up the phone. I take the phone off the hook and without missing a beat I say "Aunt Alisha! Aren't you supposed to be home? Where are you? Do you have a flat? Are you o....." I was interrupted by a voice, but it wasn't Aunt Alishas voice. "James. We need to talk." said the voice. "Talk about what? Who is this?" "This is Zack. Zack Garrett. From school?" What the hell?! How did he get my phone number. And talk? Talk about WHAT?! "Talk about what?" I ask. "It can't be over the phone. Just meet me after school at the football field tomorrow. I'll explain there" "Ummm well okay but I still don't understand how you got my...." Zack hung up the phone. I sink down and sit into a ball on the floor. As i'm sitting on the floor, i'm thinking about everything. 

First Zack shows up, then the book shows up on my doorstep, then Zack shows up in my dream as the guy i've been fantasizing about since, well, since I thought about guys that way, then Zack calls me up saying that "We need to talk." i've barely even looked at him let alone talked to him this year. What the hell could he possibly need to talk to me about? What?

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