The Next Day....

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Bebelayton

.... I wake up and do my daily routine. I get a shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth. I'm still a little shooken up about last night. Not only the spell and almost getting caught, but the dream too. Is it just a coincidence that the guy I just met that day pops up in my dream as the guy i've been fantasizing about every night? Maybe.

On my way to Bullard High School I decide to listen to music to calm my nerves (I don't want to get into a wreck or anything). I turn the radio on to 96.1, my favorite radio station. It was already midway into the song The Final Episode by Asking Alexandria. As I'm pulling into the school, the song is near its end, I see Rebecca waving her arms at the front door like some maniac. I park my car and get out. I was nearly TACKLED to the ground by Rebecca as she's ranting something about cute clothes. "What the hell are you talking about?" I yell. "I'm talking about Zack! He looks so fucking cute today! With his tight black shirt and the way he styled his hair!" Rebecca does that sort of black girl scream that Madea does. "OOOOOO LAAAAAAWWWWWWDDD! PLEASE DILIVAH ME FROM TEMPTATION!!!!! MMMMMM PRAISE JAYSUS!" I laugh, and we walk into school.

Me and Rebecca walk into the school and head for the Band Hall for a mandatory Band Nerd meeting. (A Band Nerd meeting is a social club that we heard about for Band Nerds. Rebecca is a First Chair Baritone B.C. player and i'm a Second Chair Baritone B.C. player).  We sit down, waiting for the meeting to start, and guess who walks in? Zack. PEEEERRRRFEEEEECT! That's just what I need to start my fucking day! What the hell is he doing here? He wasn't here yesterday! "Look! It's Zack!" says Rebecca. "I know...." I say hiding my face from the front where Zack stood. "So Rebecca! Do you wanna come over today after school? I have something I want to show you." I say trying to change the subject. "I'm not sure. Let me check my schedule." Rebecca pulls out an imaginary schedule book out of her bag. She looks at me and says "I'm free. Trust me." "Awesome! About 5:00?" I ask. "Sounds good to me" she says. The bell rings and we both run to catch our first period.

It didn't dawn on me until we were half way up the stairs that I have to sit next to Zack in Biology. Oh no! What am I gonna say? Hey Zack! I was dreaming of you last night? NO! I just have to push the thought away and go to class. There's no avoiding it.

I get to class and find my seat in the back of class. I put my stuff down and slide in my desk. Then I see him. As Zack walks to his seat. We do it again. We lock eyes. When he sits down I tear my eyes away from this beautiful work of art. 

Mr. Potter walks in the class and  sets his stuff down and walks up to the podium. 

"Good Morning class! Please turn to page 394!"

"Can I look off of your book today?" I hear behind me. I turn around to find Zack, staring and smiling at me, waiting for a reply. God! That smile though!

"Ummmm. Sure." I say in awkwardness. "Thanks" he says. He scoots his desk right next to mine and leans closer. I can feel his hot breathe on my neck. Then I smell that familiar smell. Cigarettes. The same smell that I taste when I kiss him in my dreams. He leans forward to get a better look at the book. As he leans forward, the smell gets stronger.  I scoot away an inch and he looks at me in suspicion. "What's wrong?" he asks with that cute smile. "Nothing. I'm just not myself today." I say lying to him. I can't let him know about my dream last night. Class ends and the day goes on. I drive home and wait for Rebecca. I'm sitting on the couch, waiting for Rebecca. I see her blue jacked up ford truck pull in to the drive. I get up, nervous at first, and make my way to greet her at the door.

Rebecca gets out of her car and walks up the stairs of the porch. "Hey!" I say greeting Rebecca. "Hey James! So What did you need to show me?" she asks. "Come to the back yard and i'll show you!" I say turning around and running inside to retrieve all the items necessary for the Regeneration spell. Rebecca follows me outside. I have all the items in hand and drop them on the ground outside. "Trust me." I say to Rebecca. "Okay?" She says back in response. I grab a stick and start to draw the symbol in the dirt. "What are you doing?" she asks. "Just watch!" I say trying to get everything in order. I grab a nearby, dead leaf and place it under the symbol. I grab for the knife and put it against my palm (this time my right palm since my left was still sore). That's where Rebeccas lost it. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING JAMES?! IF THIS IS SOME SORT OF WITCHCRAFT VOODOO SHIT THEN I'M NOT INTERESTED! I'M NOT GONNA GET INVOLVED WITH ANY OF THIS!" she yells and runs back inside the house, out the front door, then into her car and left. I need someone who will know. So I don't feel crazy. Just someone. Anyone.

The Coven: Chapter One: The Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें