It's YOU!

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Here I am. Staring at this book. Disbelieving, wondering. Wondering who sent it. And Why? I get up and start to pace. Thinking to myself. Thinking about what this book is capable of acheiving. 

I sit back down and reach to open the book.

Hesitantly, I open the mysterious book to the first page. It talks about different types of plants and herbs. Some were pointy. Others smooth. Some of them reminded me of marijuana. I start flipping through the pages of the book to find a note or anything connecting back to the sender. Nothing. I did come across something weird though. It was a spell for regeneration. Ingrediants: Dirt, fresh blood, something dead, and a voice. I look at the clock. 6:45 PM. It's JUST getting dark.

Hesitant at first, I grab the book and grab a knife from the kitchen then head out the backdoor. 

Once outside, I lay the book down flat on the ground and open it back up to the spell. The page shows a symbol drawn in the dirt. To me, it looked like a 5 year old tried to draw a field of mountains. I draw the symbol in the dirt then look at the next step. "Place the dead item below the symbol". Since there was nothing dead around, that would be obvious, I use a dead leaf. I place the dead, crumply leaf below the symbol. Next Step. "Cut yourself to get enough blood to make a circle around the symbol and the dead item." I take the knife in my right hand and raise my left. Staring at my hand, thoughts crept into my mind. Is it gonna hurt? How much? Will I bleed out? I think too much. I place the blade on my left palm and jerked the knife towards me. 

I felt a little pinch but the pain soon subsided. I squeeze my hand forcing blood out and pour just enough to circle the leaf and symbol.

I hold my wounded hand and look at the next step. "Concentrate on the dead item and chant Convertimini."  I focus on the leaf, surrounded by my blood. "Convertimini" I say. Nothing. "Convertimini!" Still. Nothing. I focus harder and whisper the word under my breathe "Convertimini" the wind picks up but doesn't carry the leaf off. Again I whisper "Convertimin" the crumpled brown leaf stretches out it's edges like a human stretching out their arms in the morning while waking up. The leaf turned into a luscious bright green right in front of me. I had just done real magick! Me! The kid who thought he wasn't capable of doing anything, had just done real magick! Who knows what I can do now!

I see head lights pull up in the drive. Shit! My aunts back! I grab the book, along with the knife, and run inside. I wash the knife in the sink and run upstairs to my room and hide the book under my bed. I here footsteps coming up the stairs. "James are you here?" she yells. "I'm in my room Aunt Alisha!" I yell back in response. 

Knock knock knock I hear coming from the other side of the door. "Come in" I say allowing entrance into my room. Aunt Alisah enters my room with a warming smile that she has almost everytime I see her. "How was your day dear?" she asks, sitting on the edge of my bed next to me. "Eh," I laughed "it was school." She smiles and plumps her head on my shoulder. "I am so exhausted! Pulling weeds all day can really tire a woman out!" She giggles, but her laughter soon subsided as she glanses at my palm. "James! What happened?" She asks worried. "It's nothing Aunt Alisha. I was peeling some potatoes earlier and got myself. It's nothing. Really." She looks at me and then smiles again. "Well if that's it! I guess i'll be on my way. I bet you're tired after your first day of school." she kisses my forehead as she use to do on her visits at mom and dads house. "I Love You James." she says looking into my eyes. "I Love You Too Aunt Alisha"

                                                                               *Later that night*

He kisses me and holds me in his arms. "Together and forever like Jack and Sally on top of Death Valley" he whispers in my ear. He kisses me once more and raises his head to stare into my eyes. I see his face and my eyes widen. 

I wake up, i'm sweating and sitting up in my bed. Panting for air. I start breathing normally enough to get one word out.


The Coven: Chapter One: The BookWhere stories live. Discover now