I got the test and put my name on it before reading the first question. It was really easy. I think I was the first one done, but I didn't turn it in until like half the class was done. I got our a notebook and started to draw in it. Now let me tell you. I can't draw. I mean seriously. My stick figures always look like giraffes on skates. Okay maybe that's an over exaggeration, but you get the point.

15 long minutes later the bell rang signaling it was time for math. I take my time because the class room is right near my locker. I turned the corner to my locker and there's a sight in front of me. Louis. But he wasn't alone. He was with another girl and they where kissing.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I just ran off walking past him. He tried to stop me but I just ignored him, and storm of to class. MaKenna asks what happened and I told her everything. Boy did she look pissed.

*Louis' P.O.V.
As soon as I saw her run past me I knew I was in trouble. I tried explaining it to her but she kept running in the direction of the math room. Well isn't today just going great. Note the sarcasm. She doesn't even know what happened. Ugh!
Looks like I'm going to get the worst boyfriend/brother award today.

I figured I should head to class. I may be able to explain it to her. That thought left quickly when I enter the room and Kenna was looking at me. I'm lucky looks don't kill, because I would be dead right now by the look on her face. Great. My girlfriend hates, and right now so does my sister. I took my seat beside Aly. "Aly." I said. She ignored me doing the work on the board. I groan.

"Mr. Tomlinson do I need to assign more work since your complaining?" God I hate this teacher. "No Hannah." She glared at me. "Louis why can't you be more like your sister and not get into trouble?"

"MAYBE BECAUSE MY SISTER ISN'T A SCREW UP LIKE ME!" And with that I left. What's the point of staying in a class where your sister hates you, and the girl you care about is mad at you.

*Alyssa's P.O.V
"MAYBE BECAUSE MY SISTER ISN'T A SCREW UP LIKE ME!" And with that he left. I can't believe I was an idiot. I believed that he wouldn't cheat. Of all the girls to it had to be Camryn, the school slut. I've only been at this school for a week (A/N: it's Friday in the story) and I already know she has slept with every guy in the school, probably even some teachers.

My phone vibrated in the middle of my thoughts

From: Louis
Aly. Please answer me!

I roll my eyes and put my phone away. It vibrates again.

From: Louis
Babe. Please. It's not what it looked like

I laugh slightly, that's what the cheater always says. My phone went off again.

From: Louis
Babe I hate this. Your mad at me and you won't talk to me.

I give up and answer him.

To: Louis
I'm sorry Aly can't get to you now leave a message after the beep.

From: Louis
Haha very funny.

I lock my screen.

From: Louis
I can see you read my message, please answer me.

I read the message and shut my phone off, continuing my work. With five minutes left off class Mrs. Mathews gave us the rest of the period to ourselves. I stayed put and Kenna walks over to my desk. "Have you talked to him?" I shake my head not trusting my voice. "No, but he keeps texting me and I'm ignoring him."

"Do you want to come over today? Or is it to risky?"

"No I'm coming, just not talking to him."

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