The Afternoon Tea

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We spent the majority of what time we had left that day discussing our plans for the weekend, which seemed to get more elaborate with each passing minute. Then, afterward, I simply zoned out as my brain worked to catalog everything that had happened throughout the day. Quite a chore considering I hadn't even come to grips with the previous night. Then, before I knew it, Emily was wishing me a good evening and heading out the door.

I decided it was probably time I headed out too, so I gathered my things and gave one small murmur of thanks that the next day was Friday. When I stepped into the Pit, I saw that most of my coworkers were also ready to cross off the day and get that much closer to the weekend. The floor was desolate for only five in the afternoon and the disarray on people's desks made it look like they all left in a hurry. I was walking through a ghost town.

"Making a break for it too?"

I heard the rich roll of his voice from somewhere behind me. I cast my gaze over cubicle walls and potted plants to find Alec stepping out of his office with his own satchel, packed for a journey home, at his side.

His face was warm and golden in the setting sun that streamed in through the floor to ceiling windows lining our walls. His smile looked soft and friendly in that glow, even familiar. Without thinking, my lips reacted and my cheeks rose with a grin.

"It's been a long day, but a productive one. So I think rest is a worthy reward."

"Well, I just want to let you know your hard work has not gone unnoticed. You are deserving of a nice evening doing whatever it is you do to relax. I wouldn't have it any other way."

He strode — or more like sauntered, his steps slow and enticing — over to meet me. I felt both desperate to run forward to greet him and frozen by a spell he cast over me. In that moment, I realized just how fresh the previous evening's events were upon my skin as the heat of his body, the smell of the night air, and the glow of the stars flooded my mind and raised the hairs along my arms.

I was falling for my boss.

"Feel free to go whenever," he said, stopping a couple feet in front of me with a casual slouch and a grateful grin, "you don't have to answer this, but just out of friendly curiosity. How did your day go?"

He didn't ask how the pre-interview went. He didn't ask how things were shaping up with the team. He didn't ask how was work. He asked about my day and for some reason that made my heart skip with anticipation.

"It's been quite a day," I said, my voice breathless and my lips stiff with a smile. "It may take a bit."

"I'm in no hurry."

My heart jumped and I hiccuped back some air. Uncertain how to proceed, I looked to the ground and shifted the bag on my shoulder.

"Would you like a seat? I'll make some tea."

He motioned towards the sofas as he headed for the kitchenette. I gave him a nod and took a seat. While he heated up some water, I took in a few deep breaths. I had to register all the feelings coursing through me before I could even attempt to have a conversation. I simply didn't know what Alec's intentions were at that moment. If anyone saw us snuggled up on a couch, sipping tea and grinning like fools, we'd be marked for gossip. And wasn't that one of his fears? Or was Alec hoping that so long as the environment was the work place, he was immune from any speculation about possible flirtations? I knew he was smarter than that though and I determined with some finality that this little crush was one-sided and Alec was just being the friendly, caring boss that he was.

"So how are things?"

As if he sensed my conflict and wished to grant me some sort of closure on the matter, he handed me my tea and then took a seat on a completely different sofa. With my theories confirmed, I was able to take a breath and proceed with the conversation. I debriefed him about my encounter with Mariska, including her interest in the charity and my lack of anything to give her.

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