The day After

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   When I woke up, I walked out of my bedroom, and saw that Evelyn's door was open, just enough for me to peek through. I know I shouldn't,  but I just had too! So, I looked in and saw Kendall sleeping in Evelyn's bed! With his arms wrapped around her, and he just pushed himself up against her, and she was just lying there, smiling in her sleep, and so was Kendall! They were so close together... then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around really fast, and saw that it was just Valerie. I relaxed at this, but then she said,

   "What are you doing? Are you spying on them?"

   "What? No! I was just, curious, because I heard really loud kissing noises last night, and then this morning, Evelyn's door was open and I was just really curious so I looked in and saw that," I panicked, then Valerie gestured for me to move, so I did. She looked inside and she gasped, "Are you okay?"

   "Oh my glob! What? Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't know Evelyn liked him that much, glob," she said. Then she looked kind of guilty, and looked at the floor. She walked into the living room, I followed her, and asked,

   "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

   "Oh, uh, no. Well, yes. I, I went to Nick's dorm with him last night, and I kinda, slept with him, " she said, guiltily.

   "What?! You slept with him!" I yelled, shocked.

   "Not like that! We just made out, and I fell asleep in his bed, with him, on accident," she assured me, putting on a cute little shy girl type if smile. I sighed with relief.

   "Well, breakfast?" I said.

   "Oh I already made some! It's on the bar counter, I was going to go wake you up, but then I saw you peeking in there," Valerie said, gesturing towards Evelyn's room. Then I looked on the bar counter, and saw three plates of pancakes, bacon, and eggs! Valerie walked over and took a plate for herself, and so did I. We sat down on the couch and started eating. "So, do you have a boyfriend?" I froze.

   "Umm, no," I told her.

   "Oh, okay. I was just wondering, because I saw you kiss Marshall last night," She looked at me, "do you two know eachother?"

   "Yeah, we were friends when we were younger," I told her, she nodded her head,

   "Oh, okay, I just thought it might be important to know because, well, why would you kiss someone you knew nothing about, you know?"

   "Yeah, right," just then Evelyn came out of her room, and she stopped dead in her tracks when she looked at us, with an almost worried look on her face. Then Kendall walked up, hugged her from behind, and kissed her neck.

   "Bye Evy, I gotta go," then he left, and Evelyn just stood there staring at us, and we stared back. Then she looked over at the food, grabbed the last plate, and sat down on the other couch by herself.

   "It's okay Evy, we already knew," said Valerie.

   "Oh you did, how?" Evelyn eyed us suspiciously. Then me and Valerie looked at eachother, we had no idea what to say! "Actually, you don't have to tell me, it's fine," Valerie and I sighed in relief. "So, Marshall, eh?"

   "What?" I froze again,  "Oh, yeah, we were friends, but he moved away just before I started 6th grade, so I haven't seen him in a long time, before last night," I told Evelyn.

   "Oh, okay," none of us said anything else until we were done eating. "So, Valerie," Evelyn started, she looked at Valerie, "what about Nick?" Valerie froze.

   "Umm, w-what do you mean, Evy?"

   "What did you guys talk about when you guys left to your room? Oh, and when you left the dorm in general?"

   "Oh, well, when we went to my room, he told me he loved me, and so I told him I love him too, and then we were hugging and, then we watched the movie, then we went to Nick's dorm, and we were making out and stuff, and I fell asleep there, on accident!" Valerie smiled that smile again, like she did to me earlier.

   "Oh my glob! Are you serious! That's great! For you of course, but is it just a coincidence that all three of those guys like one of us, they all live in the same dorm, and we all live in the same dorm?" Evelyn thought about this, and so did I. It sounded pretty weird, but I didn't care, because it doesn't matter. I noticed that Evelyn was wearing a nightgown, and she wasn't wearing that before her and Kendall slept together.

   "Oh my glob, Evy, did you change in front of Kendall? Like he saw you, na"

   "Oh glob, no!" She cut me off, "I changed, but he already fell asleep, so he saw nothing," I sighed with relief, well sort of relief...

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