Here Jay was waiting for my reaction but I was to stunned to give him one. Sure I thought I had prepared myself for this moment, but really how can a person really? The person you're falling for his leaving to a battle zone that sometimes can promise no return.

One minute I'm seeing clearly and the next my eyes are glossed over with tears. I try to turn away but Jay already has his arms wrapped around my neck and pulling me in as he lays his chin on the top of my head whispering sweet soothing words.

"Babe it's ok, we will make the most of the time we have together. I will be back to see your beautiful face so don't you worry about me not returning because ill always find a way back to you Shay."

Tears fell down my cheeks. I didn't want him to go, As selfish as it is I wanted him to stay with me. Yet I knew that wasn't possible. He had a duty to for fill and people to protect. He's not only my hero but he's others.

I pulled back and wimped the tears away, I took a deep breathe and promised myself I will think of everything positive to get me through this. I won't allow negative thoughts to drag me down. He'll come back, safe and sound.

Please God let him come back safe.

The car ride home was long, and quiet. For the first time it wasn't the nice quiet either. It was filled with tension and anxiety. Jay kept glancing at me every few minutes. I think he thought I was going to break down any minute. The truth? That's exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to lock myself in my apartment and bawl.

Not here though, I will be strong for Jay, so he won't worry.

"Would you like to spend the night at my house? I just want to keep you close and hold you while I can." He spoke softly filling the car with his words.

"Of course. I'd love that actually." I gave him my best smile and lightly squeezed his hand.

"Shay if anything happens to me I-"

"Jay don't talk like that, you will be coming back to me. Ok? so please don't start the just in case I don't speech."

"Shay it's not like I don't think I'm coming back, but I need you to know if something happens to me. You'll be one of the last people to know since we aren't married. My family will be notified first but don't worry I talked to them before I came down to the diner and I gave them the diners number, the office at the apartments number, yours, Nancy's. Everything I could think of so you know."

"Ok thanks Jay, but can we change the subject of you not coming back. Please?" My voice cracked at the end and my throat restricted itself as I tried not to cry again.

He picked up my hand and brought it up to his lips as he kissed it gently.

"I'll come back to you Shay, don't you worry."

**** End Of Flashback****

"Hello earth to Shaylee, are you there?" Jay laughed as he waved his hand in front my face to gain my attention.

"Uhh yea I'm sorry."

"What were you thinking about?"

"How happy I am that we met."

"Oh really hmm? Well I don't think you can be any more happier than I am." He smiled down at me.

"Excuse me? Not even." I laughed back as I elbowed him in his ribs.

"Your crazy babe." He gets up and kisses me softly before pulling me up with him and grabbing his car keys.

"What are we doing?"

"We're going on an adventure, and making our time together spent wisely." He gives me a wink as we walk to his car and pulls me back so he can open the door for me.

As we sit in the car I start to get fidgety with the radio or anything to occupy myself as I wonder where he's taking me. It's about 10:30 at night which means all of the shops are closed. Yes it's this kind of a town, as soon as it starts getting dark everyone closes up shop and heads home.

"Shay stop fidgeting your making me nervous just watching you."

"Well that's your problem you tard! Eyes on the road." I laugh as I put my hands off the radio and fold them in my lap.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping anyway? You have to get up in like three hours so we can make it to the airport on time tomorrow."

"I can sleep on the plane, plus you're worth it."

He pulls up to the swimming pool gates of the boys and girls club.

I thought he was kidding but when he parks the car and kills the engine I now know he's not.

"What are we doing here?" I laugh as he throws me over his shoulder and tells me to be quiet as we get near the tall locked gates.

"What does it look like babe? We're taking a late swim." He swats me on the butt as he gives me a wink.

I eye the tall gate in front of me and know there's no way I will be able to climb that. For starters I am short as can be and the hate looks 7 feet tall.

"Jay there is no way I can make that."

"Are you forgetting I'm in the army? I had to go through six weeks of boot camp before joining and I had training worse than this. We so have this."

"And are you forgetting I never went through bootcamp?"

He rolled his eyes with a smile as he told me to go in front of him. With a little annoyance I did what he asked and found he was right behind me.

He hoisted me up a little as he pushed me up by my butt so I could reach the top.

After that he swung his legs over first and climbed down over the gate. I must say he looked beyond perfect with the glow of the pool water behind him.

"Ready to make this night memorable." He winked and I knew that was a promise he intended to keep.

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