Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

"Ok so it might have been smart to fill up the gas tank before I left, I kind of forgot." Jay said biting his lip.

"Yea, now were stuck out here, great job!"

Yes, Jay had forgotten to fill up and now we were stuck in the middle of no where, and did I forget to mention we had no cell phone service?

"If it helps, I know how to survive out here. When I was younger my aunt enrolled me in Boy Scouts." He laughed as he slung his arm around me as we walked back to his jeep.

"Now what do we do?"

"Play 20 questions?"

"You're such a weirdo!" I laughed

"I know, so tell me love. What's your favorite color?"

"Mmm Red and Blue, Favorite movie?"

"Don't have one, one thing you want to do before you die?"

"Ohhhhhh that's easy! Travel. Where's some place you'd like to go?"

"I've mostly been everywhere, do you have any pets?"

"No, favorite memory?"

"When I was little my dad enrolled me into hockey because I was getting into to many fights at school, he came to every game. Even my mom and we just seemed so complete at the time, I would often pretend we weren't just a broken family. I thought we could be fixed and they wouldn't have to split."

"See Jay I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, anyway why do you want to travel so much?"

"I just want to find a place I feel like I belong. I haven't felt that way yet, so I guess I'm in search for a place that makes me feel safe, a place I can find myself."

"I understand, I've traveled a lot for my job, and I've just always wanted that home feeling. A place I could feel content with."

"Exactly, so why did you forget to fill the tank up, bad memory or what?" I laughed bumping into his shoulder in a joking manner.

"No, actually I have a really good memory. I guess you could say a pretty girl clouded my mind who I was eager to see so I forgot."

"Awww how sweet!"

"Yea, so I guess you can say you're the one to blame." He winked.

"Not even! You're the guy, who said he protects people, but yet you get me stranded in the middle of no where." I joked back.

"Touché. Umm how long has your longest relationship last?"

"About a year. We didnt end on good terms and I haven't seen him in forever. What's your worst memory?"

His whole body stiffened up next to me and his breathing came out as a struggle.

Good job Shaylee, I always seem to ask the wrong questions.

"I'm sorry Jay you don't have to answer that."

"No Shaylee it's fine, I want you to he able to trust me. My worst memory was watching my best friend get shot next to me, I watched as he took his last breathe. He was expecting a little boy on the way too." He turned his head the other way staring out in the distance getting lost in his thoughts.

"That's terrible, why did he get shot?"

"By being a good man, you can say. I want you to trust me I really do but there's some things I'd rather keep to myself for now, but don't worry love. Like I said before if you stick around with me, you'll find out."

"I promise you I'm not going anywhere." I smiled up at him truly meaning what I said.

"Well in that case, do you promise to hang out with me again?"

"Of course, just promise me not to get us stuck again."

"Shay we aren't stuck, I just wanted to mess around with you and get another day with you after this. Here follow me."

We walked to the back part of his jeep to find a spare can of gasoline, completely filled. I couldn't help but laugh at this whole scene.

"Your something else kid." I smiled watching him fill the tank back up and starting the car. Letting relief wash over me.

As he brushed his hand against mine, changing the car into drive, I knew what I felt wasn't from the dips. It was the small fluttering of butterflies in my stomach.

Gosh, what am I getting myself into?


A/N: I know it's short but I wanted to give you guys something! Sorry if it sucks ): and it's not proof read.

Xoxo - Midnight_Writer97 <3

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