Friends to the Help

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It was morning and Rocky woke up. "Did I just have a nightmare or what?" said Rocky, as she walked downstairs.

She went into the kitchen and grabbed the milk and cereal from the fridge. Carrie walked up to Rocky and smiled at her. "Remember Rocky, you have two days" said Carrie.

"I'm guessing it wasn't a dream" said Rocky. "You were never dreaming, you were having a nightmare" said Carrie. Rocky rolled her eyes and started eating the cereal.

"Care, why does Ragongo want to do this?" asked Rocky. "Well, he hates Rocklore. He doesn't care if the bands play music, he cares if they believe in Rocklore" said Carrie. "Kin and Kon believe in Rocklore, but Core doesn't. Explain" said Rocky. "Corey believes in Rocklore as well, he believed in the end of the world. If you didn't know" said Carrie. "Ok, now I know" said Rocky.

"Talk to your friends and get their decisions on the sacrifice" said Carrie. "Wait, why do I need to sacrifice myself to Ragongo? What's gonna happen to me?" asked Rocky. "You were chosen for sacrifice because your the one who decided to enter the dark web and look up the information for our leader. And when you sacrifice yourself to him, you will be possessed and you'll become a nightmare on the outside" said Carrie.

"Wow, I don't know what to do. I'll talk to my friends and see what they say" said Rocky. "Alright, but I'll tell you this. Make your decision up today and you won't have to worry about it for the next day" said Carrie. "Thanks for the tip" said Rocky, as she put her bowl into the sink and walked outside.

She walked over to Laney's house and knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Larry. "Hey Rocky, come on in" said Larry. Rocky walked in and Larry closed the door behind them.

Rocky walked to Laney's bedroom and Laney and Rockster were in there. "Hey Rocky, I heard you stood up looking for more clues about the the creatures" said Rockster. "Yes, yes I did. I found out that these creatures hate Rocklore. They possess anyone who believes in Rocklore. Their leader Ragongo, is known to a new type of lore. It's known as Rockgore" said Rocky.

"That is crazy! Does Kon and Kin know about this Rockgore?" asked Larry. "No, I believe they don't" said Rocky. "Konnie and Kim believe in Rocklore and I think that's why they got possessed" said Larry. "Wait, then why did Carrie and Corey get possessed?" asked Laney. "They believe in Rocklore. They just don't explain the stories as Kin and Kon or Konnie and Kim do" said Rocky. "That makes sense" said Laney.

"When I was on the dark web last night, Carrie came up to me and told me a deal" said Rocky. "What deal?" asked Rockster. "I can sacrifice myself to him and get our friends back or I don't sacrifice myself and we don't get our friends back at all" said Rocky. "What?! Rocky, I would never sacrifice you!" said Laney, hugging Rocky.

"Maybe I would" said Rockster. "Rockster! Why would you say that man?!" asked Larry, angrily. "We're enemies, I makes sense" said Rockster. "Whatever, but I wouldn't want Rocky to sacrifice herself" said Larry. "Thanks guys and Lanes, but I don't know. I really want everyone here to be happy, that's all. So I think I've made up my decision" said Rocky.

"Please tell me your not doing what your thinking" said Laney.

"Yes Lanes, I think I am gonna sacrifice myself" said Rocky.

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